Medical Loans
I looked into it. They wanted something like $5,000 down and the interest rate was 19%!!! it was ridiculous. I told them I didn't want it and I still (2 years later) have a credit line from them for $12,000. I never wanted it and it affected my credit. I ended up opening two credit cards with Alaska Airlines (business and personal) and got interest free for a year and paid for my surgery that way. I also got a free ticket to Hawaii. It has taken me 2 years to pay off the surgery completely but totally worth it. Plus, as I said, I got the first year with free interest. I was also able to deduct the cost of the surgery from my income taxes for medical expenses.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us"

My husband used a medical loan to pay for part of his surgery. We put all of mine on a credit card because it was cheaper to do it that way. I keep getting balance transfer offers... so every time my current promotional APR gets close to expiring, I transfer the balance to another low APR pomotion, so I never pay more than 2% interest

Dr. Cirangle in San Francisco. His program is fabulous and he gives all of his patients lots of support. He is an excellent surgeon. Best money I ever spent.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us"

I did care credit its 14% interest , but I am in sales so hopefully I can pay mine off really quick.... but hey if I ever need anything like plastic surgery I now have 10 thousand credit line with them................ I got into credit problems about 10 years ago, havent used credit cards since and it really was hard to do this but I really wanted this done.