AHHH! Make this day end already!

on 8/31/12 11:05 am, edited 8/31/12 11:07 am - Rialto, CA
VSG on 09/04/12 with
My office is having a pot luck lunch today for all the birthdays in August. I have only 4 days left before surgery and have been on the protein shake diet for the last month. All I smell is BBQ Pulled Pork they have in the crockpot down the hall. Someone else has their crockpot in their office and the fragrance is KILLING me!

Oh I forgot to mention that someone was bringing pies and there are 4 different salads.

Jennifer B.
(Can't wait to meet the new me!)
HW: 288  SW: 270.2   CW: 199.8  GW: 170-180   Hgt: 5'10" 

on 8/31/12 11:13 am - MI
VSG on 03/08/12
Stay strong. It will be worth it. Resisting a temptation is difficult, but it gets easier the more often you resist. You strengthen your resolve.
  “Not many of us are living at our best.  We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains.  The steepness and ruggedness dismay us, and so we stay in the misty valleys and do not learn the mystery of the hills.  We do not know what we lose in our self indulgence.  What glory awaits us if only we had the courage for the mountain climb.  What blessing we should find if only we would move to the uplands of God.?  JRM
(deactivated member)
on 8/31/12 11:15 am
Go look at some before and after pix, that should help you stay strong.  Write down all the reasons you are choosing this and remind yourself that you are being your own personal hero by doing the right thing.  I am proud of you.
on 8/31/12 11:18 am - Rialto, CA
VSG on 09/04/12 with
I am having my lunch shake now. At least in a couple of hours it will be over. But man....it smells so good!

Jennifer B.
(Can't wait to meet the new me!)
HW: 288  SW: 270.2   CW: 199.8  GW: 170-180   Hgt: 5'10" 

on 8/31/12 12:45 pm - Rialto, CA
VSG on 09/04/12 with
It's a good thing I don't listen to my coworkers very much....

"You have already been approved..."
"This is your last chance at have something good"
"One bite won't hurt"

Jerks! But most of them were actually very kind and tried to not eat in front of me.

Jennifer B.
(Can't wait to meet the new me!)
HW: 288  SW: 270.2   CW: 199.8  GW: 170-180   Hgt: 5'10" 

on 8/31/12 2:17 pm - Kent, WA
VSG on 07/20/12
Kind of like my run in with the triple chocolate peanut butter chocolate fudge cake earlier this week.

Be strong, the pulled pork will pass. ;-)

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