Fear of rejection prevents connections
Last week at church my pastor was preaching about fear of rejection. He said that fear of rejection prevents connections. I was thinking about it all week. In the past when I was about 400 pounds I did have a fear of rejection and it prevented me from connections. I was avoiding people to make connections because I thought nobody wants to connect with me or be my friend. Well and it is true. I remember once I was traveling on the Greyhound bus from Chicago to Fresno (long story why) and nobody wanted to sit with me - Thank God - because I did not have room anyway, ad who want to sit with fat guy?
Now, it is different story. People at church do not afraid to sit by me, people actually want to talk to me and be my friends. Except, I do not want to be a friend with people who were avoiding me in the past because I was fat. They come now and make compliments, but I am ignoring them now. They did not want to deal with me in the past, and now I do not want to deal with them.
Anyway, life is good and I LOVE it!!!

on 8/19/12 4:51 am
on 8/19/12 4:51 am
You have done an incredible job of losing weight and improving your life - I celebrate that with you. For myself, I find more joy in welcoming people into my life than I do from closing them out. There are many things we have to figure out as a result of our transformation besides which pair of skinny jeans to buy.
Smiles to you.
Smiles to you.
VSG on 05/30/12
VSG on 08/29/12
Congratulations on your remarkable weight loss! I understand what you are saying and feeling. Knowing you are a church going man remember that God wants us to forgive, and even though your still feel (anger, resentment) forgiving others will make YOU feel better and be healthy. So if you can, when you can, let it go, it will be best for you, just like your weightless was best for you. Perhaps in time you can find a way to educate others about how their cactions effect people suffering with the disease of obesity. ♡
VSG on 02/04/12 with
I truly get where you are coming from! It's like, "Oh, now that I'm an acceptable size in your eyes you want to make small talk and have an interest in me? HA!"
But I try to remember also that *I* avoided others when I felt bad about myself for being so heavy so it's a two way street. I try to just focus on how good I feel now and I'm much happier which attracts others more than a sad looking fat girl.
I did have a neighbor talk to me the other day about her fat brother as she rolled her eyes. I'm like, Hello I was just an obese person pretty much yesterday. Now you want to diss heavyweights to me? What is wrong with people???!!! Sorry but just because I'm not obese anymore doesn't mean I'm on that "insulting heavy people" bandwagon. Not ever!
But I try to remember also that *I* avoided others when I felt bad about myself for being so heavy so it's a two way street. I try to just focus on how good I feel now and I'm much happier which attracts others more than a sad looking fat girl.
I did have a neighbor talk to me the other day about her fat brother as she rolled her eyes. I'm like, Hello I was just an obese person pretty much yesterday. Now you want to diss heavyweights to me? What is wrong with people???!!! Sorry but just because I'm not obese anymore doesn't mean I'm on that "insulting heavy people" bandwagon. Not ever!