stalling early out...

on 7/9/12 3:27 am - CO
I am curious as to if anyone stalled this early out?? I will  be 2 weeks post op tomorrow.. it was last week about wednesday or thursday that I hit 378 and stayed there!   Can someone ease my mind and tell me that it isnt uncommon to stall this soon?
on 7/9/12 3:32 am - WA
VSG on 06/12/12

Oh yes, been there, done that, as have many others.  It is the infamous 3 week stall - just a little early.  Just keep doing what you know is the right thing to do and try not to get too discouraged.  Also putting the scale in the closet for a couple of weeks seems to break the stall pretty well!
on 7/9/12 3:46 am - CA

Yes, absolutely.  And when it happened to me at that early stage, I couldn't help but feel a little panic :-)  Please don't worry about it and just keep on following your doctor's plan.  The stall will pass and you'll lose weight...I totally promise.


Sleeved 12/15/11, 5'1", HW 185, SW 164, CW102

on 7/9/12 3:47 am
VSG on 04/27/12
It's very common.  In fact, sitting at the same weight for a few days isn't really a stall.  A stall is a week or longer.  In other words, you won't drop weight every single day until you hit goal.  You'll hit some days where you don't.  Don't worry.  It's all normal.

[I'm not gaining weight. I keep lowering my goal!] [I LOVE MY SLEEVE!]


on 7/9/12 4:16 am - MO
VSG on 04/16/12
 We have all been there. I was FREAKING out because 4 weeks out I had only lost like 12 lbs or something since surgery. But I promise...the scale will move and the sleeve will work. If you're averaging about 2lbs lost per dr said that's very good. Your body is in shock. It's not going to know what to do for a while. Hang in there and if at all possible, avoid the scale and just focus on how different your clothes start fitting. That's how I had to do it and it really helped me not self sabotage my attitude! Good luck and I'm always here if you need more support!
on 7/9/12 4:28 am
VSG on 06/25/12
I stalled at 10 days out, stayed 245 for 5 days and then this morning dropped a couple.
on 7/9/12 4:35 am - CO
thanks everyone!! Just didnt think I would hit one early.  yes.... I admit, I am addicted to the scales... ughhhh I really need to avoid it except for when I weigh in on mondays...
on 7/9/12 8:46 am - Canada
VSG on 06/11/12
I am 4 wks out and have been the exact same weight for the last 10 days. I put my scale away last week and am only weighing in weekly now because it's just too much. I'd been warned about stalling but boy, it's frustrating when your in the middle of it!!
on 7/9/12 9:27 am - kihei, HI
I stall and lose, stall and lose, and am only 7 weeks out.  Step loser?
on 7/9/12 11:27 pm
VSG on 06/12/12
Yes! I hit a stall last week - I actually went up about 1.5 lbs! I didn't change anything major, and a few days later went down 3.

Are you constipated? That was a big issue for me - i was eating and nothing coming out, and I didn't believe I had pounds of crap inside me, but I did

Anyways, put the scale away. I didn't want to become addicted to the scale so I only weigh myself once a week - it helps keep you sane! That number can really mess with you so it's something that I now look forward to on Tuesday mornings! Stalls happen but looking at the longterm picture - we're all gonna be great big losers!

My vlog:
Highest weight: 298  Surgery Weight: 291  Current Weight: 231
Weight/Inches lost by time period: M1: 24.4/10.25 M2: 12.6/10.25 M3: 9/8.25

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