How did you handle your WL on facebook?
I have my FB crowd pretty well segregated. I told my story to friends, family and close acquaintances- got nothing but huge support.
I don't have a lot of photos of my on FB and my friends know not to post any of me without my express permission. So I doubt there will be much of a hullabaloo outside my inner circle.
I think we blow these situations up a little large in our heads.
I was chatting with a friend of mine who had her RNY done back in the dark ages before the Interwebs was much more than research documents and grey backgrounds. She said it is a whole different world now - so much more support but also the pitfalls of social media.
I don't have a lot of photos of my on FB and my friends know not to post any of me without my express permission. So I doubt there will be much of a hullabaloo outside my inner circle.
I think we blow these situations up a little large in our heads.
I was chatting with a friend of mine who had her RNY done back in the dark ages before the Interwebs was much more than research documents and grey backgrounds. She said it is a whole different world now - so much more support but also the pitfalls of social media.
on 7/2/12 5:33 am
on 7/2/12 5:33 am
VSG on 06/21/12
I like that. He He. You may have just freed me:) I tell some people that stuff in person. I guess I just hate to say that publicly because some people already know and they would see I was being "creatively honest". He He. I like the personal message to those who ask and a general thanks to the rest. That might be good combined with this. He He
VSG on 03/08/12
Only sent out personal messages to those I wanted to ask to pray for me, close friends and family. But so far, I haven't mentioned it on my regular posts. I figure people will figure it out when they see future pictures. But I also tell people I had weight loss surgery when they say something about my weight loss. Being as open as possible, without using a megaphone, is how I am approaching it.

“Not many of us are living at our best. We linger in the lowlands because we are afraid to climb the mountains. The steepness and ruggedness dismay us, and so we stay in the misty valleys and do not learn the mystery of the hills. We do not know what we lose in our self indulgence. What glory awaits us if only we had the courage for the mountain climb. What blessing we should find if only we would move to the uplands of God.? JRM
For me, it depends on the person asking.
I do post pics of me on facebook fairly often, because I have a history of bad luck with technology holding up (computers breaking and losing phones), so facebook has been a great way for me to know that there is another copy of my favorite pics somewhere out there that will not be lost by my own clumsiness.
When people ask how I'm doing it, it depends on the person. If it's someone who has sense enough to keep my private life private, I'll message them and tell them. Otherwise, I tell them I've been upping my protein and water, watching my carbs, and exercising. Completely true.
Honestly, though, 99% of the time I'm open about it. Very few people in my life don't know that I've had surgery, and I'm okay with that.
I do post pics of me on facebook fairly often, because I have a history of bad luck with technology holding up (computers breaking and losing phones), so facebook has been a great way for me to know that there is another copy of my favorite pics somewhere out there that will not be lost by my own clumsiness.
When people ask how I'm doing it, it depends on the person. If it's someone who has sense enough to keep my private life private, I'll message them and tell them. Otherwise, I tell them I've been upping my protein and water, watching my carbs, and exercising. Completely true.
Honestly, though, 99% of the time I'm open about it. Very few people in my life don't know that I've had surgery, and I'm okay with that.
VSG on 03/19/12
Tell them the truth. You decided you needed to make some lifestyle changes to improve your health and wellbeing.
I find that if you start out with eating healthy and exercise... they quickly lose interest. LOL!
I find that if you start out with eating healthy and exercise... they quickly lose interest. LOL!
I have been very open with people about my surgery whenever they ask me. Of course, my FB is filled with people that I don't see or haven't seen in years. People write in saying I looked great, etc., but not much about "how did you do it?" Apparently, they decided to message my sister and ask her instead. She totally outed me to her friends. I think it is just the risk you run when you publish photos.
My husbands family don't know and I don't mention it on FB. I'm not having that conversation with any of his relatives.
I have good friends that know and they are not the type to spill my business.
Some co workers I am FB friends with did respond with questions but a long time ago I posted about low carb eating, exercise and portion control.
I have good friends that know and they are not the type to spill my business.
Some co workers I am FB friends with did respond with questions but a long time ago I posted about low carb eating, exercise and portion control.
VSG 6/10/2011 Dr. Ann Lidor BMore MD 5'5 HW-247 SW-233 GW-145 CW-120 Me rambling about my journey : ) Me rambling about my journey : )

VSG on 04/24/12