How did you handle your WL on facebook?
I worry that if I post photos of the thin me, people will make comments on how much I have lost and start to inquire how I did it. I am not sure I want to open that can of worms on facebook. I have just not posted photos me much before since I was fat and now because I am afraid people will begin asking how I did it.
Other than telling me to out myself, anyone have comments on this topic?
Other than telling me to out myself, anyone have comments on this topic?
It's interesting how people don't ask or even comment on things like losing 100lbs. Not that I mind on facebook. He He. I guess I know I would at least have to tell the person they look great. I recently went back home and fully expected to hear lots of comments and questions. I was shocked that not one person commented or asked about it. Weird. Maybe I am worrying for nothing. Who knows.
I am pretty open about my surgery. I have been from the beginning and usually my findings are when you post on fb, you will get a multitude of "your look great" and then there's always the "wow, how did you to it". What I usually do is respond, thanks everyone and then I will inbox message the person that asked me how I did it and explain to them via private message. Now that I am completely out about my surgery, I just answer in the public messages but that is how I handled it intially, it seemed to work well!