5 Day Reset
ya mean the 5DPT? the 5 day pouch test!
Heck YEAH I know what it is...IM DOING IT ..on Day 3 now...f-n awesome!!
I was just getting ready to post about it! I have done it maybe 6 times now. The most I ever lost doing it to a T...was 8 pounds in 5 days...and that ain't NO water weight! Every other time...always 5 pounds in 5 days.
A great jump start to weight loss.
A carb detox....ya detox from ALL carbs.
Confirms your restriction is there and never left you.
Great to break stalls (post 6months out), jumpstart your weight loss, and
REMEMBER the basic principles of LOSING WEIGHT! ....
Day 6 n beyond . ya can keep it up...or you can slowly start introducing HI FIBER veggies.
Others that have asked about it here...I just give em my link on stalls n plateaus link below...I have some caveats on doing it. I have asked if they want company...cuz I would do it with em...but never got a response. I find its always great to have someone do it with ya...for support and a good kick in the ...encourangement dept. Back in the day here on OH we did GROUP 5DPT...it was so much fun and sooo great! Announced it comin up..took all comers...would post everyday our progress or screw ups.
Those that say it cannot be done...need to get out of the way of those doing it...chinese proverb
Stalls n Plateaus....gotta scroll down some for 5DPT
http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/carmelita/blog/tag/stalls+ and+plateaus/
Heck YEAH I know what it is...IM DOING IT ..on Day 3 now...f-n awesome!!
I was just getting ready to post about it! I have done it maybe 6 times now. The most I ever lost doing it to a T...was 8 pounds in 5 days...and that ain't NO water weight! Every other time...always 5 pounds in 5 days.
A great jump start to weight loss.
A carb detox....ya detox from ALL carbs.
Confirms your restriction is there and never left you.
Great to break stalls (post 6months out), jumpstart your weight loss, and
REMEMBER the basic principles of LOSING WEIGHT! ....
Day 6 n beyond . ya can keep it up...or you can slowly start introducing HI FIBER veggies.
Others that have asked about it here...I just give em my link on stalls n plateaus link below...I have some caveats on doing it. I have asked if they want company...cuz I would do it with em...but never got a response. I find its always great to have someone do it with ya...for support and a good kick in the ...encourangement dept. Back in the day here on OH we did GROUP 5DPT...it was so much fun and sooo great! Announced it comin up..took all comers...would post everyday our progress or screw ups.
Those that say it cannot be done...need to get out of the way of those doing it...chinese proverb
Stalls n Plateaus....gotta scroll down some for 5DPT
http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/carmelita/blog/tag/stalls+ and+plateaus/