Surgery Complications Update

on 5/25/12 12:08 pm

Cajun Lady,

I can for sure relate! It has been over a year for me since my surgery and severe complications. After my surgery I didn't leave the hospital for 3 months...Two and a half months in the ICU and 2 weeks in a regular room. I had to re-learn to walk...
I have had test after test, CT scan after CT scan, 6 stent procedures, countless drains, emergency room visits, tube feeding (for the last 3 months) - you name it, I have done it.
A good sense of humor is definitely what has taken me through all of this. I had a new surgery last month that has been a success, time will tell - I may even be able to eat something in a month or so.
So, keep your chin up and get through it. Get pissed, feel sorry for yourself, be resentful and ask "Why the **** did this happen to ME!" But then, laugh about it...I am now at 215 lbs from my starting weight of 460 (I was a damn manatee). Now, thanks to the surgery I am one ******y MOFO! Now if I could just find some chick who was down with 3 drains and a feeding tube I would get laid! Oh well, I guess it's like riding a bike or so they say...

Best of luck to you (and me), you will get through it!


P.S. **** happens.....But **** wipes.
VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 5/25/12 12:45 pm
VSG on 6/22/11
jennygalthin n
on 5/25/12 12:50 pm
So sorry that you are having complications.. I am quite sure it is difficult  so do what you need to do to cope and maintian your sanity.. cause unless we actually have complications it is hard to actually relate..
I pray that your complications will be over soon; and you accomplish your weight loss goal in the process..
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