Botox? Fillers? who's had them?
I had been getting botox for about a year and a half before surgery for my frowny forehead wrinkles but started getting fillers about 4 months after my surgery where my pudgy (not so) wittle baby face and cheeks had gone away. It looked better not being fat if course but it looked like it had "fallen" in places. I also did the nasolabial folds and also right beside my nostrils. It was Juvederm for about $650 I think for the syringe full. TOTALLY worth it!!

I had been getting botox for about a year and a half before surgery for my frowny forehead wrinkles but started getting fillers about 4 months after my surgery where my pudgy (not so) wittle baby face and cheeks had gone away. It looked better not being fat if course but it looked like it had "fallen" in places. I also did the nasolabial folds and also right beside my nostrils. It was Juvederm for about $650 I think for the syringe full. TOTALLY worth it!!
I have only lost 58 pounds and I carried a lot of weight in my face so that is really the first place I started loosing it. So I really started noticing the creases beside my mouth and wrinkles on my forehead and a few crows feet. I am only 43 and I thought what the hell? I went to my dermatologist and had jevederm and botox. I am embarrassed to say that I spent $1500 but it was worth every penny. I have had complete strangers tell me that my complexion is beautiful. I love to look at my face in the mirror and not see those lines and creases. The great thing about jevederm is that it lasts a year so it is quite pricey but lasts a while. I will also one day have a face lift but I am really to young right now and these little helpers keep me looking my best until then. As for a tummy tuck I am getting one and a breast left as soon as I reach my goal. I am hopeful to have everything done by next June! Best Wishes!
I love reading your comments. I am only a few years older and I have always looks about 10 years younger then my age until weight loss. The sad thing is I didn't carry a lot of weight in my face so the weight I did lose there really hurt it. I went to the hair dressor the other day and just sitting there looking at myself in the mirror almost made me cry, I almost didn't recognize me! I know i can't afford this but I can't afford to not do it. Where did you have the Juvederm put in ( what area)? Thanks for the reply and good luck with your upcoming surgeries!
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, we have had really nice weather in WV and I have been taking full advantage of it! As for the juvederm I had it injected in the deep lines on each side of my mouth. I think that these got really bad from the sleep apnea mask that I wore for years and just recently got off of it. These really got bad it seemed like overnight so she injected them. She numbed this area because it is very painful. That area was numbed with numbing cream. She also put a little in each upper cheek bone area she said that this helped make the cheek bones look higher and helped raise those mouth creases out. I got the botox in my forehead and in between my brows because i have deep frown lines also on the edge in the middle of each brow.I got a little on each side of the bottom of my eyes for the little crows feet. I will also tell you that my dermatologist told me that they have done studies on twins one that got botox and one that didn't and the one that did looked much younger than the one that didn't after the effects of the botox wore off and years passed. She says that it helps keep your face youthful so when you do grow older you don't develop those deep wrinkles. I would advise you to find someone that is well versed in the botox you can screw it up if you get someone that doesn't know what they are doing. Like those botox parties or at your local salon for discount price. You get what you pay for. Believe me! I almost forgot that she numbed the inside of my upper lip and put a little juvederm on the inside of each side of my upper lip to help with the lip creases to create a more youthful fuller lip. I loved the workup I feel so much more confident. Now let me warn you the juvederm will cause a little bruising and it will last for a couple weeks so be prepared. You can also get a little bruising with botox if they hit a blood vessel but it is less frequent. I hope this helps you. Go for it! My motto is you only live once so enjoy it while you can! Keep me posted!
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, we have had really nice weather in WV and I have been taking full advantage of it! As for the juvederm I had it injected in the deep lines on each side of my mouth. I think that these got really bad from the sleep apnea mask that I wore for years and just recently got off of it. These really got bad it seemed like overnight so she injected them. She numbed this area because it is very painful. That area was numbed with numbing cream. She also put a little in each upper cheek bone area she said that this helped make the cheek bones look higher and helped raise those mouth creases out. I got the botox in my forehead and in between my brows because i have deep frown lines also on the edge in the middle of each brow.I got a little on each side of the bottom of my eyes for the little crows feet. I will also tell you that my dermatologist told me that they have done studies on twins one that got botox and one that didn't and the one that did looked much younger than the one that didn't after the effects of the botox wore off and years passed. She says that it helps keep your face youthful so when you do grow older you don't develop those deep wrinkles. I would advise you to find someone that is well versed in the botox you can screw it up if you get someone that doesn't know what they are doing. Like those botox parties or at your local salon for discount price. You get what you pay for. Believe me! I almost forgot that she numbed the inside of my upper lip and put a little juvederm on the inside of each side of my upper lip to help with the lip creases to create a more youthful fuller lip. I loved the workup I feel so much more confident. Now let me warn you the juvederm will cause a little bruising and it will last for a couple weeks so be prepared. You can also get a little bruising with botox if they hit a blood vessel but it is less frequent. I hope this helps you. Go for it! My motto is you only live once so enjoy it while you can! Keep me posted!
Thanks so much for getting back with me and all of the detailed info!!! I have had a little bit of botox in my forehead ( not between the eye area) just the top of forehead and the sides of my eyes. I found a great place to go.....voted number one for many years by the people. They are all board cert. dermatologist and have a great rep. Of course with that comes the price....ouch they are expensive ( the most) ...but if someone is gonna stick needles in my face they need to know what they are doing. Now for my cheeks. They have thinned out quite a bit some I am thinking filler to plum them up a little for a more youthful look. The thing I don't think they can help is the bands that have appeared in my neck.....GOSH I HATE THESE.!!!! Nothing ages you more then those =( They quoted me for some fillers in my cheeks and a bit in my undereye bag area about $900....ouch! But I don't know what is more painful....$900 or the disappointment when I look in the mirror after all this hard work with weightloss and to still not be happy. I think I am gonna try it one time and if it looks good then I will continue until I can afford a face lift.
When You say there is brusing from the fillers....can others tell? How bad is it? WOuld I need to explain to others what is wrong?
When You say there is brusing from the fillers....can others tell? How bad is it? WOuld I need to explain to others what is wrong?
It is visable to others. I have had fillers 2 different times and both times I bruised. The 1st time was worse than the 2nd. I teach school, 7th and 8th grades, you know kids they dont miss a thing. Whats on your face????? A million times finally I said bad botox job! The were like you get botox I said YES! Even though it was the filler that caused it. They were like why do you get botox? I replied because I dont want wrinlkles. End of story it only lasts about a week and a half. Honest to goodness only one adult said anything and they said you have ink on your face. I said oh thanks! So dont make a big deal of it and just remember in a few weeks it will be all worth it! I think that filler is more amazing than the botox! Great Stuff! Worth every bruise and every inquiring question!
I've done the works- filler under my eyes- Restylane, does wonders, just make sure you go to a VERY experienced person for this area, the skin is so thin- any little bumps or ridges can show. I did that 6mo ago and about 100lbs down, I was just looking really hollow and drawn. I can still see it's there, but as I've lost another 40lbs and time has went on, I do need a touch up.. the second round should last even a tad longer as it builds on the first.
I had Juvederm Ultra plus in front of my jowls along the jawline to camo them- also worked great, and either it's still there or I've lost enough fat on my cheeks that the jowling isn't returning as bad yet.
I've had Botox & Dysport a few times, for the frown lines between my eyes, my very dimpled chin, the depressor muscle by the mouth (also helps with marionette lines, and keeps the filler I had in my jowls in place) and for a browlift as I have baggy upper lids.. Love the Botox stuff. I can still make expressions, lift my eyebrows, express displeasure.. but it just makes me look "not depressed" when my face is at rest.. I've seen overdone Botox.. again, a great injector and going conservative is a major plus (also find one that does it per unit NOT per area, per area is a big rip-off!) If all this is done well, no one notices anything is different.. only YOU notice you look better, everyone else thinks you're just in a happier mood. Just the way I like it! I hide for a few days if I get bruised, and then I'm good to go. I hated folks telling me to "smile" all the time.. I wasn't sad at all, I just have some heaviness in my face from being 300lbs, it drags everything down! Now I look on the outside the way I feel inside, can't beat that!
I had Juvederm Ultra plus in front of my jowls along the jawline to camo them- also worked great, and either it's still there or I've lost enough fat on my cheeks that the jowling isn't returning as bad yet.
I've had Botox & Dysport a few times, for the frown lines between my eyes, my very dimpled chin, the depressor muscle by the mouth (also helps with marionette lines, and keeps the filler I had in my jowls in place) and for a browlift as I have baggy upper lids.. Love the Botox stuff. I can still make expressions, lift my eyebrows, express displeasure.. but it just makes me look "not depressed" when my face is at rest.. I've seen overdone Botox.. again, a great injector and going conservative is a major plus (also find one that does it per unit NOT per area, per area is a big rip-off!) If all this is done well, no one notices anything is different.. only YOU notice you look better, everyone else thinks you're just in a happier mood. Just the way I like it! I hide for a few days if I get bruised, and then I'm good to go. I hated folks telling me to "smile" all the time.. I wasn't sad at all, I just have some heaviness in my face from being 300lbs, it drags everything down! Now I look on the outside the way I feel inside, can't beat that!