
on 5/18/12 4:37 am - MI

Is it normal to experience weakness still two weeks post op? I am not sure if anyone else experienced it draining to shower by themselves two weeks out. I can do it but when I get out it sure feels like I used everything I had to do it. Is this common? When can I expect to feel a little back to normal?

on 5/18/12 5:03 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
perfectly normal. you have had major surgery. it usually takes 4-6 weeks to feel back to normal. hang in there. it passes and you will be fine.




on 5/18/12 5:04 am - Urbandale, IA
VSG on 03/22/12
I think everyone is a bit different but I think it was about 2 weeks out when I attempted to cook dinner (for boyfriend & son) & after cutting up the chicken breast for the enchiladas I was exhausted & had to go sit down.  I totally understand what you're going through & just remember this too shall pass. Remember you just had major surgery & you're healing.

Take care & chin up!!

   HW-248.8   SW-233.4  1M-216.2   4M- 188.6
on 5/18/12 5:08 am - VA
What you just described is exactly how I felt.

2 weeks out, I took a shower & I about fainted in the shower. Don't know if it was my blood pressure dropping from the change in body temp (that's a total guess on my part). But I got outta that shower, struggled to put my robe on, & collapsed on my bed! My heart was beating outta my chest & my head was spinning.

Weakness TWO weeks out? How about 2 MONTHS out? This is my first-ever major surgery & I think I tried to do too much too soon.

Be gentle with yourself. Have someone (spouse, child, other family member) check on you every so often (every hour?). Don't push yourself.

I had open RNY 2/28/12. I feel great now (about 2 1/2 months out). I DO have my days where I'm just plain weak. It helps if I go for a walk (& believe me, I walk slow. I don't power walk or jog!). Since I've dropped some weight, I find walking to be so much more pleasurable. But I still don't sprint!

Hang in there! Baby yourself!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com



on 5/18/12 5:11 am - Canada
Very normal. I was weak for the first 6 weeks or so. Everyday after that I felt more and more like my normal self and then better as the weight came off. When your able to get in all of your protein and water, that will make a huge difference. Good luck!
on 5/18/12 5:48 am - MI
Thank you all pheewwww that relieves me! I was a little worried that maybe I was behind on the strength I should have thank you guys! So nice to have your feedback!
on 5/18/12 6:41 am - NJ
VSG on 04/30/12
I had surgery 4/30/12 and had some of the same issues - still do.  I keep reading posts where people are saying basically it is due to lack of water (clear fluids) and protein.  If you are not getting enough in, that could help.  The one thing that really helped me - my sister-in-law was here Monday through Wednesday and Tuesday and Wednesday we spent the entire day out - shopping, lunch (soup for me of course), etc.  I cannot tell you what that has done for me.  My 5-year old and I took an almost mile walk yesterday and are getting ready to go out for that same walk again here shortly.  I guess the best medicine for me was getting out and about.
on 5/18/12 8:09 am
VSG on 05/01/12 with
 I am 2 1/2 weeks out, back to work this whole past week & , making dinner for family each night, but then I am pretty tired by the evening. I am doing well getting in all my protein, a good amount of water, an all my vitamins. Are you getting all you need each day, it really does make a difference. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
on 5/18/12 10:59 am
VSG on 06/07/12
oh gosh...see this is what scares me...I feel exactly like this NOW....and I havent even started my pre-op diet yet! I am so exhausted ALL THE TIME already...what in the world is it going to be like after surgery?!! UGH!


on 5/18/12 11:34 am


I was exhausted and tired all the time before surgery as well. I weighed 460 lbs and by the end of a work day, a shower, some errands etc, I was wiped out completely.
Just realize this: you (and I was) carrying around 180-240 lbs of extra weight in fat. A normal sized "in shape" person could never carry 240 lbs and complete their day. Obese and MO people do it for days, months, years! So when you start losing the exhaustion, shortness of breath, sweating etc will go away! It may take a while after surgery, but it will happen.

Best of luck and regards,


VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

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