
on 5/12/12 11:19 pm - Houston, TX
Everyone reacts differently as said above but for what it is worth I did not get hungry for the first 6 months. By the time I started getting humgry I was well on my way and did not want to mess up a good thing by going back to bad habits. We are however all food addicts and you will have to deal with that at some point in your own way. I still eat crap I know I shouldnt from time to time but I cannot eat 3 plates of it now is the main difference. Knowing that if I go nuts it will just make me throw up is a good way to make me stop and think about what I am doing.
on 5/13/12 1:27 am - Randolph, NJ
 I am about 4 1/2 months out and for the first 3 months I was never hungry. But now I do get hungry but nothing like before. I also never obsess about food either and I used to all the time....and just give in to it. Now I have few cravings if any and they also seem to be protein related and before surgery I was a carb queen big time! But even if I slip up I can have a bite or two of cake and could care less. Its been very easy to resist temptaion since surgery. I love my sleeve!
on 5/13/12 2:44 am - TN
 Right after surgery - yeah no hunger really.  The first few months, I had to consciously manage my eating schedule or I would forget to eat and have some hypoglycemic symptoms.  

Honestly, I didn't start feeling physical hunger until about 5 months out.  Not alot, but just every now and then when I would be off schedule.  Sometimes I will feel physical hunger when I only eat something soft like Greek Yogurt for a meal.

Sometimes, it can be very hard to distinguish between head hunger and physical hunger.  You have to be very concious of whats going on in your own mind.  Sometimes I can feel hungry after eating a chicken breast - I know its not physical hunger.  It can't be - I feel full.  If I eat another bite I will blow.

I have to stop and examine myself.  Whats going on with me at that point.  What do I feel and how do I deal with it.  Then I try to redirect those impulses.  Its a much longer process than weight loss and something that is just part of my new lifestyle.  Managing my diet is a big key, Managing my head is the most important.

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

on 5/13/12 3:44 am - Sacramento, CA
For me, it was light a light-bulb switch was flicked in my brain, and I just went from HUNGRY to not hungry.  My hunger used to make it nearly impossible to stay compliant without huge, massive reserves of willpower.  I would use the word crippling.

Before surgery it was almost impossible to stay on 1200-1500 calories a day from the hunger pains.  I had lost 100 pounds in 13 months with diet and exercise and it was the hardest thing I've done, a huge challenge every day - every day I was at risk for falling off the wagon.   After surgery, in comparison, eating 600-700 calories a day was nearly effortless.  Now I lost 125 pounds in about nine months and it was sooooooo much easier.  I don't feel like I'm one stressful day from breaking my diet and stuffing my face.

Honestly, I feel a freedom I didn't have before surgery - freedom from hunger.


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

michael B.
on 5/13/12 5:33 am - MA
VSG on 03/19/12
 I'm only 8 weeks out but I have no hunger at all. If I wasn't consciously trying to get protein in I would probably forget to eat.  I would be happy to get all my protein in with a shake but I do try to eat eggs, fish, chicken and steak too. Last night I had 2 steak tips and I was done. 
Burnsy  (ticker starts 2wks pre op)                        
on 5/13/12 5:53 am
VSG on 03/29/12
I do have hunger, and I'm six weeks out. But it's not nearly as overwhelming as what I felt preop. Also, the hunger I do feel goes away very quickly and stays away until just about time to eat again. It's like having an internal alarm clock that goes off when I need a snack or small meal, depending on the time of day.

Highest weight: 277 Starting Weight: 250  Surgery Weight: 241  Current Weight: 130

Goal Reached in 10.5 months :)


on 5/13/12 7:13 am
VSG on 03/20/12
I do have some hunger, nothing like before. What's so amazing is how I can be completely full with next to no food! This surgery is the best thing I ever did for myself!
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