Dyhitration when cleaning
Last night I had refried beans for the first time and they were OMG so good. The problem was my mouth was so dry before I ate them--I really wanted some water first. And then waiting 30 minutes after, too!
I hope these are not trigger foods for me because honestly 1 1/2 ounces (my test amount) was not enough. I wanted MORE. Which may mean I could have a little more, or may mean I need to avoid them. I will try them again at lunch, this time with unflavored protein powder added.
Sorry to sidetrack the discussion, but from what you're saying, and the fact that I have had no trouble drinking from the beginning, I could have probably had a little water before I ate those beans.
I hope these are not trigger foods for me because honestly 1 1/2 ounces (my test amount) was not enough. I wanted MORE. Which may mean I could have a little more, or may mean I need to avoid them. I will try them again at lunch, this time with unflavored protein powder added.
Sorry to sidetrack the discussion, but from what you're saying, and the fact that I have had no trouble drinking from the beginning, I could have probably had a little water before I ate those beans.
I have always been prone to dehydration, so I must be very vigilant to get my 64 oz.+ every day. When I exercise, I find myself very thirsty, too! I can only drink 2-3 oz. at a time, but can usually get 20+ oz. in every half hour if I am really trying. If I drink alcohol, I get extra dehydrated, so I need to drink even more water or Powerade Zero to avoid cramps later. It's a constant concern for me, but most days things work out just fine!
Good luck!!
Good luck!!
After the initial couple of weeks or so, I have had no trouble drinking at a steady pace. Also, one of the side effects of this surgery is being cold, so doing the cleaning may be a way to warm up! LOL I had my surgery in August and was wrapped in a blanket on the rcliner when I got home from the hospital.
you will be able to fit way more than 3 ounces of liquid in after the initial swelling goes down. liquids flow right on through so you should be ale to get 3 ounces or more in every 15 minutes,if you are diligently drinking and not confusing "can't" with "don't want to" KWIM?
I can drink 64 ounces in 30 min at two years out and could always drink a lot ever since I was cleared from my leak test. GL
I can drink 64 ounces in 30 min at two years out and could always drink a lot ever since I was cleared from my leak test. GL