VSG in Dallas?
I was at Forest Park Hospital also. No complaints...they took great care of me.
Baylor is a wonderful Hospital system also!
Good luck tomorrow...what hospital will you be in?
Baylor is a wonderful Hospital system also!
Good luck tomorrow...what hospital will you be in?
"Encourage instead of criticize. Love instead of hate. Hope instead of doubt. Give instead of take. Trust instead of worry. We open our hearts to others so that they will be prompted to open their hearts to God" Lucy Swindoll
I went through the Baylor Weight Loss Clinic, which is a COE, and had the surgery at Big Baylor. It was a smooth operation from check-in. They were very good about keeping my family updated. And I was in a suite by myself on a special floor that was used specifically for bariatric patients (I think the 12th floor, but don't quote me on that!).