Long Term Effects of WLS
Well I haven't even been sleeved yet but I can tell you that my mom, who was obese, had an elective hysterecomy to remove a fibroid and due to surgical complications ended up having her ENTIRE small and most of her large intestine removed. She did retain her entire stomach though.
All the doctors thought she was going to die and that if she lived she'd need IV nutrition for the rest of her life.
Twenty years later, she is now in her late 70's. She eats, yes EATS, most of her nutritional requirements, goes to the gym three times a week and excercised every day, gets down and dirty playing with the grandkids and travels around the world every opportunity she gets. She never did succeed on TPN as the clotting that caused the post-op complications was occuring at the TPN site as well so they took it out.
She does have issues related to her condition, she never eats unless she knows where the bathroom is, she does avoid food she knows will cause her to dump, she takes medication and multivitamins and is in some kind of pain all the time but as she says she doesn't even notice it anymore.
She also lost 210 pounds and has kept all but 50 off. She has been at the same weight now for 15+ years.
So what I am trying to say in all this...there is data out there on similar procedures and with effort and consious thought on our parts, we can live full satisfying lives unimpeded by a lack of a stomach (all puns intended).
All the doctors thought she was going to die and that if she lived she'd need IV nutrition for the rest of her life.
Twenty years later, she is now in her late 70's. She eats, yes EATS, most of her nutritional requirements, goes to the gym three times a week and excercised every day, gets down and dirty playing with the grandkids and travels around the world every opportunity she gets. She never did succeed on TPN as the clotting that caused the post-op complications was occuring at the TPN site as well so they took it out.
She does have issues related to her condition, she never eats unless she knows where the bathroom is, she does avoid food she knows will cause her to dump, she takes medication and multivitamins and is in some kind of pain all the time but as she says she doesn't even notice it anymore.
She also lost 210 pounds and has kept all but 50 off. She has been at the same weight now for 15+ years.
So what I am trying to say in all this...there is data out there on similar procedures and with effort and consious thought on our parts, we can live full satisfying lives unimpeded by a lack of a stomach (all puns intended).
This is probably not going to help you but I had the EXACT same issue with my husband.
Really alot of info and too long of a story so if you want to message me to talk, please do.
He is now on board and very helpful.
They have the best intentions. They are just concerned.
I think it is the engineer in my husband to think the way he does.
Really alot of info and too long of a story so if you want to message me to talk, please do.
He is now on board and very helpful.
They have the best intentions. They are just concerned.
I think it is the engineer in my husband to think the way he does.