9 days out..not losing???

on 3/18/12 3:09 am
 so i'm 9 days out of surgery. i'm walking .5 miles each day and each day i can drink more protein/water. yesterday i got in 65gr protein and probably 50 ounces of water...i have lost barely anything since surgery. what am i doing wrong?? i think i may have some type of infection..the last couple days my urine first thing in the morning is dark brown but i have no other symtptoms of a bladder infection. i'm waiting until tomorrow to see my doctor. also my vitamins are making me gag so i haven't really been taking them. i don't know what to do and i know i'm suppose to be losing all kinds of weight right now but i'm not.....

suggestions please..
on 3/18/12 3:16 am
VSG on 03/29/12
1) What do you mean by lost barely any weight?
2) I would definitely try to get closer to 64 oz of water, or maybe even more if you can.

The dark urine, less other symptoms, can easily be a sign of dehydration. Be careful about this, as not getting enough fluid can lead to a trip to the ER.

Highest weight: 277 Starting Weight: 250  Surgery Weight: 241  Current Weight: 130

Goal Reached in 10.5 months :)


on 3/18/12 3:19 am, edited 3/18/12 3:20 am
 like i've lost 3-4lbs its fluctuating pounds since coming home from the hospital. i do know that it can be a dehydration sign as i had to get fluids on the 3rd day home (i threw up for 3 days straight but it stopped when i got fluids) and since then i've been able to drink. i don't think i'm dehydrated at all..and my urine goes back to clear (sometimes cloudy)/light yellow for the rest of the day..it's only first thing in the morning. 
on 3/18/12 3:27 am
VSG on 03/29/12
If you're only getting 50 oz of water a day, that's 14 oz less than most of us are supposed to be getting, which means you are shorting yourself by roughly 20%.  Even if you don't "feel" dehydrated, I would play with getting more liuid in and see what this does.  Even slight dehydration can slow weight loss, and the fact that your urine is only dark first thing in the morning makes me think you are not getting in enough fluid in the evenings.  If you had an infection, the urine would probably be dark more consistenly.

My advice:  try getting in the rest of your 64 oz of liquid, maybe even drinking more in the evening, and see what happens.

Highest weight: 277 Starting Weight: 250  Surgery Weight: 241  Current Weight: 130

Goal Reached in 10.5 months :)


on 3/18/12 3:34 am
 ok i will certainly try. yesterday i did make it a point to drink probably 16 ounces of water right before bed..but i guess just not enough..thank you!
on 3/18/12 3:38 am - Granada Hills, CA
 Why are you even on the scale? You just had major surgery - save your energy for healing and getting adjusted to you new stomach. You are swollen, and your body is in major shock - stay away from the scale for a while. 

Drink what you can, if you think you can get more, do it. I dont think I was drinking much more beyond 50 by 2 weeks out, but I survived. 

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 3/18/12 3:40 am, edited 3/18/12 3:40 am
 you're right :( i'm just so scared of screwing this up
on 3/18/12 3:58 am - Granada Hills, CA
 Do you have a plan? Have you thought about the changes that you need to make in your life style habits to be successful and then thought about how you are going to accomplish that?

It's normal to be scared of screwing it up - but just in my experience of being on this board for a while - the people that are most scared seem to have no plan to guide them into the next chapter. 

You didn't just have surgery to eat less - there is an entire lifestyle change that has to happen. Junk food cannot be our main staples, we can't eat until our brains feel content, and we can't sit around on our butts letting life pass us by. 

Read all of the posts by the vets here - see what they did to get to goal, read what they are doing to maintain their weight, and follow their example. 

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 3/18/12 6:42 am
Your post really brought this home to me - like you were speaking directly to me.  You're right, I've never been much of a planner - not even sure I know how to plan but it looks like I better start.  Haven't had surgery yet, haven't been approved although with a BMI of 50 - I think I am - but what you said about not only having the surgery to eat less but that an entire lifestyle change has to happen ... just puts everything in a whole new light.  I will certainly start reading what the game plan has been for the vets.  Next question, is there a way to find vets w/o having to read through all posts?  How can you find people who have been at this for awhile and have been successful?  Thanks for your honesty - really made me think!!
on 3/18/12 6:17 am
Yeah I didn't weigh myself every day after surgery.

First time was 4 days out and I was -8, Second time was 8 days out and I was -13.8, then 12 days out -21.3. After that it took me 4 days to lost 1.6 pounds and then I went into a stall. The weightloss slowed down a lot after that. That first month went really quick but the next 2 months I lost half what I lost the first month.

You have to remember that our bodies are adjusting. I went into my stall early compared to others. Some people stall out after 2 seconds. If you lost a lot preop you might not lose a lot initially post op. So many things going on. I agree you should stay off the scale. And just because the scale doesn't move for a day or 5 doesn't mean you aren't "losing."

HW 380.8+  SW- 371.4  CW- 234.4  GW- 200 


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