Stall, stall stall

Hope Y.
on 3/10/12 1:57 pm - Harrison, MI
VSG on 01/23/12
I have been doing great with my weight loss so I don't want to sound as if I'm complaining too much...however....I've been at a stall for almost 3 weeks (again!)! 

I am almost 7 weeks out and have lost a total of 47 pounds.  The scale has not moved in almost 3 weeks!  I know I am losing inches, as I measure and can see it in my clothes but it's so very, very frustrating!

Had my 6 week post-op check on Tuesday and the nurse practitioner was great.  Said it sounds like I'm doing everything I should be, die****er, exercise, etc, and that our bodies will only let us lose so fast.  Even with that reassurance, I still worry that I am going to be stuck here forever :(

I know that is irrational but sometimes, I think in an irrational way.  I try not to focus on the number on the scale and instead focus on what I can influence.  But when that number doesn't change, it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong!

My husband doesn't like when I weigh too often, thinking I'm just focusing on that instead of being healthy, but when the number doesn't budge, it seems to make me weigh myself more; just hoping and hoping!  Just wanted to vent a little to people I know will understand :)

Sleeved - 1/23/12       Starting weight - 331                  Current weight - 195  

Mike B.
on 3/10/12 2:21 pm
47 pounds in 7 weeks, that is great . Sounds like you are doing everything you should be doing, so keep it up. I know you don't want to hear this, but your husband might be right. You might want to cut back on how much you weigh in; try only weighing yourself once a week and then you might start seeing the scale drop. We all go through times of stalls and it is FRUSTRATING to say the least, but it will pass and the scale will begin to show lower numbers. Good luck.

HW:280       SW:270       OLD GW:190       NEW GW: 180       CW: 174

on 3/10/12 2:37 pm
VSG on 02/16/12
I feel your pain. Hope your scale moves soon!
 HW: 396 SW: 299 CW: 252 GW: 175
on 3/10/12 5:18 pm - Austin, TX
Click on my username under my photo and scroll all the way down to the bottom. I posted my weekly and monthly weight loss numbers. I stalled too. I don't lose for a week or two ALL the time. It happens. It sucks. It's normal.

And yeah, I know, intellectually that you know this. I do too, but I still have moments of "man, I screwed that up" even though I KNOW it's normal

Hang in there. You are doing absolutely AWESOME.

Candy from Austin, TX  |   Website  |  MyFitnessPal  |  My OH Blog

5'6" / HW 375 / SW 355 / CW 150 / Maintaining 155-159 - Goal Reached! 225 Pounds Lost

Hope Y.
on 3/10/12 5:22 pm - Harrison, MI
VSG on 01/23/12
Thank you all, and Candy, thank you sooo much!  It's great to see someone else's numbers and realize I'm not the only one in this stall fashion!  I can only hope I do as great as you have done :)

Sleeved - 1/23/12       Starting weight - 331                  Current weight - 195  

on 3/10/12 9:07 pm
You are doing great! Try not to get frustrated. What you are going thru is perfectly normal. We generally lose weight in stairsteps, not a steady decline. Don't think you are failing...the body does take time to re-adjust now and then. Even if the scale isn't moving, you are losing inches, reducing co-morbidities, improving your physical and emotional health and likely becoming a happier, healthier new you!
Teresa H.
on 3/10/12 9:22 pm
I understand how you feel..... I was sleeved on 1/12/2012 as well.   I stalled at 3 weeks post-op and lost nothing up until this point.  This week I dropped another 5 lbs, so I am hopeful my stall is over.  

A friend who also had the sleeve told me her point of view when she stalled.  She said that the only thing that got her through being frustrated during her stall was that she knew that she was eating less and more healthy than she did pre VSG,  so the only way to go was down in weight.  She was right!
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