I am from kent area and i was hugely blessed to be covered under my step fathers plan that covers it. without him being kind enough to put his already adult and already married step daughter on his plan then wouldnt even be a possibility for me. I would really love to meet up with some more people who are doing the same things as me!! please share your story with me. i would love a little more motivation from more people.
My surgery is supposed to be middle of mayish. I have to conclude my 3 month diet with my nutritionist, I am in my 2nd month right now and should finish by the end of april. I am hoping that it will be super quick for me to get in there.... I wanted to get done by june, that was my goal because one of my big goals is to run a 5k marathon by the time i am 6 months out.... not sure how much running ill be doing in December! ha ha... anyway. i am just hoping and praying that everything works out the way i want it to.