ball of sunshine NSV

M. Nguyen
on 2/20/12 10:48 am - TX
thank you so much! definitely something to enjoy when you want some pizza. It was the weekend..i wanted to enjoy something 'familiar'..hehe. making spaghetti squash this coming weekend! you are too kind!


on 2/20/12 11:12 am - los angeles, CA
I just had my pizza.  it was exceedingly delicious.  yum.. thank you
M. Nguyen
on 2/20/12 11:16 am - TX
woohoo! that's awesome! i ended using some of my lunch today and made one this evening. I added some salmon on top. Funny part...half of it was eaten before I could even cut into it. "what? you could barely eat half...i finished it for you first! " lol


on 2/20/12 11:24 am - los angeles, CA

Damn! Snatching a sleevers food, that's some dangerous **** Do they know that?  Teach them. next time I'm gonna puree some garlic in a little olive oil, put it on there some fresh sliced tomatoes, some fresh basil and cheese.  white pizza/  I'm addicted and i bought a whole pack of low car tortillas, i feel like i have to. ha ha
M. Nguyen
on 2/20/12 11:31 am - TX
haha..i don't mind sharing..Either way, i'll end up offering to them right after I cut it up. Oh that sounds delish! I'm already obsessed with caprese salad as is but that sounds even more yummie on a 'pizza'. Not going to lie...i have to have low carb tortilla laying around the house..just for those days....when I'm lazy and need to throw something together quick. I cook all the time...but even then I just need to pop it in my Oyama oven and unwine. =)


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