Nuasea all day?
Okay so i am wondering if this is just an after effect of the oxycodone but I have been nauseous all day and its getting worse. I can't drink my protein shake I don't feel like eating and my vitamin water and water just seem to be making it worse. I took 2 three hour naps toay, which is really not like me at all. Usually if i need a nap i lay down for half an hour and i'm fine. i don't have a temp and I don't really have any pain in my tummy but then I'm not pushing on my guts to find out if it hurts or not either. (cus i am a wuss like that and I had quite enough of it with the ultrasound today) I am just wondering if anyone else had this issue this far out. i am only 3.5 weeks out and my first 2 weeks seemed to be fairly decent considering i didn't have any pain, no nuasea, only one day right after surgery of anything remotely scary (turns out it was nothing) I have had 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and 2 babybel cheeses all day and they were bleh... food just doesn't appeal at all at the moment. Not even a tender and juicy venison steak seems tempting (my totally favoritest food unless its a tender juicy moose steak). Any way just wondering...
Thanks Julie.. thats what I am thinking it is, just the pain meds. I am not a fan of them and only take them as necessary but since my doc recommded I take it for the discomfort last night I did and today was just ugh... I am not going anywhere tomorrow and going to try getting back on track starting in the morning. Maybe I just need a day to just rest and do nothing.
Doggz thanks hon! Appreciate the concern. I am a little concerned for me too lol. And I DID get a liquid calcium citrate yesterday and started it last night... I wonder if it could be that... I will see how I feel after the first dose of it tomorrow since I already have my full amount for today in. The other thing I am wondering is if it might be my BP med. My BP has been consistently low on a daily basis now and I wonder if instead of passing out I just get nauseous. I am going to take each of my pills about half an hour apart or so and see how each thing makes me feel. Might have to do the trial and error thing lol.