Not Just Face Book
Ok... OH released our post not just to Face Book, but also to ctures_2n6tcX2nwfi.html
Take a look. I deleted all my post, but this website still has my original posts.
Whis is absolutely crazy!!!!!!!
Take a look. I deleted all my post, but this website still has my original posts.
Whis is absolutely crazy!!!!!!!
I am by far not an expert, but I do wonder if the boardreader site is more of a serch engine that searches through forums. My guess is that they are harvesting information this way, and OH does not hand it to them.
Just my thoughts after visiting the site.
No matter what, if nothing else it does show me that whatever we put out there on the web is really there for all the world to see. Scary thought for sure.
Just my thoughts after visiting the site.
No matter what, if nothing else it does show me that whatever we put out there on the web is really there for all the world to see. Scary thought for sure.
I do agree with (deadmilkmen btw lol) but also if you agree to post pics to people you truly don't know on here and let them view it whats the difference if its really out there. EVERYONE SHOULD BE PROUD OF HOW FAR THEY HAVE COME... AND THE CHANGES THEY ARE MAKING. Don't get me wrong I don't want all mine out there too but it is what it is! If you like the site (which I love) then you will just have to watch what you put out there and deal with it.
If you look down at the bottom of the page where it says "Share" - anyone can link a post to just about anyplace. I don't think OH is doing anything in particular. Here's part of OH's Terms of Service:
"ObesityHelp is not responsible for the information that is provided by our members within their profiles or on the site message boards. Please realize that ObesityHelp is an open forum that is searchable. If a profile is removed or edited per a staff member's request, search engines such as Google and Yahoo keep archived (i.e. "Cached") files which may still display the removed or edited content. ObesityHelp has no control over these archived documents, and they must be removed by the search engine provider. ObesityHelp will not be responsible for any member information contained on any third party websites or search engines. Members must contact those companies directly if they want the material to be removed."
Bottom line, if it's on the internet, it's available to everyone on the internet. OH isn't a secure or private site.
"ObesityHelp is not responsible for the information that is provided by our members within their profiles or on the site message boards. Please realize that ObesityHelp is an open forum that is searchable. If a profile is removed or edited per a staff member's request, search engines such as Google and Yahoo keep archived (i.e. "Cached") files which may still display the removed or edited content. ObesityHelp has no control over these archived documents, and they must be removed by the search engine provider. ObesityHelp will not be responsible for any member information contained on any third party websites or search engines. Members must contact those companies directly if they want the material to be removed."
Bottom line, if it's on the internet, it's available to everyone on the internet. OH isn't a secure or private site.