My new obsession

on 1/15/12 8:55 am - Canada
 Since I am an admitted food addict and not longer have my drug of choice I have been watching for signs for addiiction transferance and I think I see somethiing developing.

Since I have been sleeved I have been down right obsessed with planning and pre-preparing my food. I went out and bought a bunch of little containers and I make up individual portions and freeze them or set them aside for my lunches. I have also reorganized my cupboards and drawers and things. I think I am turning into my mother. I know my husband was worried that I wouldn't be interested in cooking for the family since I can't eat anything but I have been cooking like crazy. It's like even if I can't eat the food I can still enjoy making it! 

I'm even enjoying grocery shopping!

              Sleeved by Dr. Kelly, Tijuana BC Mexico, Decemeber 7th 2011.

megan L.
on 1/15/12 11:02 am - NJ
i dont really cook but i am looking into reciepes now and i love groceryy shopping now ive hated it before
on 1/15/12 11:23 am
Congrats on your sleeve! It's a wonderful life! I think a lot of us go through those type of situations. You are in good company!

Reality is, we need to cook for our families. Some of us have to deal with food/cooking for our employment too, and it really is the only addiction that you can't go 'cold turkey' from because we need to eat. For some of us it's more than that. It's a part of who we are. So we might as well enjoy it, and make it as healthy as possible.

It's also a social thing. It is that I have enough energy to dig out piles/years of junk in the house, I have had more dinner parties since my surgery in March than I had in several years prior. I probably enjoy having people to my house because I prepare foods that I can eat. Last night we had 10 people for supper. It was a Chili, salad, fresh fruit, pickles, relishes type of feast. Chili toppings included sour cream, onions, shredded cheese. The only 'taboo' of sorts was the corn bread, of which I had a small 1" x 1" piece. I was in no way deprived or unsatisfied, and neither was anyone else.

Cooking/food shopping is multi-sensory. It's not just about eating it. You enjoy the feel, smell, colors, even the sound when you are doing these things.

I try to make my foods healthier for everyone. I find it amazing how much my grocery bill has gone down, even tho I'm buying almost all fresh foods and veggies. My house no longer looks like something out of hoarders because we don't have to stockpile foods. My cupboards are much tidier without all the carby stuff. So enjoy the organization and the preparation.

If you are like me a lot of love goes into those meals (and prayer). Why would I not want to continue with that?

Now that I'm almost a year out, and my organization is just about done I'm finding that I have more time to work on other projects too. Knitting, sewing (just got my machine this weekend!!), reading. Things that I enjoy that don't revolve around foods, exercising, healthy living. I enjoy that stuff too, but Time for FUN is awesome.

This is a work in progress, enjoy all the stages of it. Best wishes! This is going to be the best year of your life!

Let me help you with bariatric friendly cooking.
on 1/15/12 1:33 pm - Ceres , CA
I love your post. What is happening to us. Thank you surgery we are changing for the good. I also went grocery shopping purchased all healthy foods. Thinking about my meal plans. I am addicted to:
she has the most amazing recipes. I can't wait to start cooking. Weird! I like the positive change. I also want to buy some new kitchen idems. Ramekin dishes and mini muffin pans.


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