The eye movement you mentioned is most likely nystagmus and is not caused by elevated BP or dehydration. Although nystagmus is caused by a variety of other things, when it is triggered by rolling over in bed and you actually see the room spinning for less than 1 minute, it is most likely BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), a common inner ear abnormality. If you have it, the spinning can also be triggered by looking up, bending over, lying back in bed, or looking quite far to the left or right. Although it often goes away by itself, the treatment for this is simple. It is called an Epley maneuver and some PCP's know how to perform the maneuver. If not, most ENT physicians can treat you. BPPV is frequently seen in the ENT office I work in after almost any type of surgery. It has to do with the otoliths (also called "crystals") in our inner ear being displaced due to the positioning of our body during any kind of surgery. Although YouTube shows you how to do the maneuver yourself, I would not recommend it because if you do it incorrectly and lift your head during the wrong time while performing the maneuver, the otoliths will move from the posterior canal to the horizontal canal, which is much more difficult to treat. If you are not having the spinning, then it is most likely what others have suggested - elevated BP or dehydration. Take Care. ( PS: My 1st post - hope I did it right!)
on 12/29/11 3:37 am
My doctor said severe anemia will cause dizziness AND a girfriend of mine suffers from chronic vertigo due to severe anemia.
Anemia is caused from blood loss during surgery. Some of us bounce back and replace the blood quickly, others do not. 2 months post op, I went out and rode a bike and nearly fainted 3 times.
Severe anemia can take as much as 2 months to recover from. I get it regularly, I had it with my first pregnancy so bad I was almost hospitalized. If you find out you are anemic just be sure you are getting your iron in. My doctor had me start on iron after 1 week because he said so many women get it from surgery.
Also, calcium taken with iron will bind with the iron and you will not get the vitamins. Vitamin C taken with iron makes you absorb it better. My doc always said "iron with a glass of orange juice".
Hope it's resolved easy!