A real life situation that shows WHY some of us are militant..(very long)
I'm so awed by your self-awareness, and even more, but the support system you've clearly developed with your husband. Mine knows I have eating issues, but shame still tempts me to hide food and behaviors from him.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this. It's given me a lot to think about.
Today is a new day, and you don't need to punish yourself anymore. Take care of your body, maybe "reward your sleeve" today by just giving it some nice protein shakes and water and maybe a snack. Poor little sleevy got all stuffed last night. ;)
You did the right thing by posting here and getting support. Way better than pouting in the corner and punishing yourself some more!
I'm glad you righted the ship quickly and you have a wonderful support system at home....(what a great husband).
Thank you so much for writing this post-- I can identify with so much of what you have so wonderfully described. The feelings of what your limitations might be compared to what they should be and really are, the feelings of control that we think we may have compared to what we should or actually have, and then the feelings of regret and disgust and everything else that come from slipping up are all familiar to me.
I'm thankful that you were so brave to type out and submit this post-- I know it had been helpful to me to read as I'm sure it has also helped so many on OH reading these boards.
Keep up the good work, keep posting, and keep up with your personal introspection and insight-- combined with your excellent support system at home, it's what's going to get you to where you need and want to be in weightloss and beyond.