I had surgery last week. The nurse put an iv in the top of my hand. Every time she put medication into the iv I felt extreme pain. I told the nurse the iv was hurting me right when she put it in but she insisted it was fine. Now a week later the pain is still pretty bad, the vein is swollen & rock hard. Is this a common thing to happen after an iv?
Same friggin thing for me. I told them to take it out and relocate it and ROSE (@ Kansas City Menorah Foor 4) the nurse said it was fine.
I waited until the next shift came on 3.5 hrs later and when they came in to give me more IV meds I ask to have it relocated and she about flipped at my arm and hand being twice normal size.
I am almost 3 weeks out and hand and arm are still a little swolen but I still have pain in several locations (top of hand site for IV and knuckle of index finger on top of hand, crook of arm has a golf ball sized lump that has slowly gone down but hurtls like hell.
HAHA Wonder if I can sue for the tummy tuck....LMAO
It will get better but takes apparently alot of time!
I waited until the next shift came on 3.5 hrs later and when they came in to give me more IV meds I ask to have it relocated and she about flipped at my arm and hand being twice normal size.
I am almost 3 weeks out and hand and arm are still a little swolen but I still have pain in several locations (top of hand site for IV and knuckle of index finger on top of hand, crook of arm has a golf ball sized lump that has slowly gone down but hurtls like hell.
HAHA Wonder if I can sue for the tummy tuck....LMAO
It will get better but takes apparently alot of time!