Anyone with a Start Weight 350+ Reached BMI <30?

on 12/21/11 8:17 am
 Hi Nina, thank you for your practical reply. You make a great point that I did not think about regarding unsuccessful experiences probably don't get posted here.  You are so kind to take the time to reply to my post.  You are exactly on the "money".  Although I am an optimist by nature I am better described as a practical optimist.  I want to know what hurdles, old habits, potential new bad habits I must be vigilant about.  Your post has been very helpful.  All the very best to you and please keep in touch. ~Nann

1st Goal 350 

Goal2 299 Goal#3 271 Goal#4 250 Goal#5 225 Goal#6 199  Goal#7 149 
VSG/Dec 7,  2011   5'3"  Female,  HW 399,  SW 371    Target Goal 135 lbs/BMI 23.9
Dec M1-23  Jan M2-15  Feb M3-11  Mar M4-13  Apr M5-13  May M6-15  Jun M7-??  Jul M8-??
Aug M9-??  Sep M10-??  Oct M11-??  Nov M12-??  Dec M1-??  Jan M2-??  Feb M3-??

Dawnie 88
on 12/21/11 5:03 am
Yes! It IS possible!


on 12/21/11 8:21 am
Hi Dawnie, thank you for your reply.  Your are doing it!  What an inspiration.   I beleive I need to adjust my expectations that I will meet my goal but it won't happen in 12 months, it may take two or three years.  Is that a more realistic expectations in your opinion?

1st Goal 350 

Goal2 299 Goal#3 271 Goal#4 250 Goal#5 225 Goal#6 199  Goal#7 149 
VSG/Dec 7,  2011   5'3"  Female,  HW 399,  SW 371    Target Goal 135 lbs/BMI 23.9
Dec M1-23  Jan M2-15  Feb M3-11  Mar M4-13  Apr M5-13  May M6-15  Jun M7-??  Jul M8-??
Aug M9-??  Sep M10-??  Oct M11-??  Nov M12-??  Dec M1-??  Jan M2-??  Feb M3-??

Dawnie 88
on 12/21/11 11:29 am
I don't think it will take you two or three years..but it may..just depends on how committed you are.  I do know, at our starting weights..thinking you'll get to goal in 6 mths is definitely unrealistic.  I know I got so frustrated seeing people who started at 250..and making goal in 6 mths..but I tried to remember i had alot more to lose.

I lost my first 100 lbs in 5 mths and 10 days...
I lost 132 lbs in 9 mths..then i hit a few months stall..
I have lost 163 lbs now at 20 mths..

I definitely could have lost it faster if i stuck to the program more often..which i don't.  I am so happy where I'm at..(XL shirts..size 13 juniors jeans) that I haven't been trying hard to lose more. 

I do think you can lose what i have lost so far in only 1 year..for sure..and there are many examples of it on this forum! 


on 12/21/11 11:43 am
There are plenty of people on this forum that point out mistakes. Don't follow in their foot steps. You don't have to limit your goals. You don't have to go from 1-year goal to a 3-year goal. Just work hard and listen to your doctor's plan. My doctor said that he would be happy with 120 pounds in a year and I'm goin to reach that in less than 7 months.

As for people who struggled with diet and exercise before surgery....uh...that would be just about everyone who qualified for the surgery!!! So it is possible to do better with food and exercise post-op than you did pre-op.  That's what makes successful people successful.

You don't want to get into the habit of empathizing with people who make excuses and join their excuse club. You want to learn from people's mistakes and be inspired by people's successes.  Most successful people messed up at some point. Successful doesn't mean perfect. 

I was a big binge eater. I started when I was a kid. It was compulsive. I didn't approach this surgery lightly, especially since I paid for it with a credit card. I follow the instructions and I went to therapy twice per month post-op.

I use the tool to my advantage. I can't binge anymore. The weight that came off fast in the first 2 months made working out less painful. I can run intervals without pain. Walking was excrutiating pre-op. Because I get full so fast, I make sure that I drink my water and eat my protein. Doesn't leave much room for unhealthy things. The tool of this surgery keeps me from getting hungry all of the time. Yes, I have head hunger and monster bread cravings when I'm on my period. But it is still easier to deal with when I can make myself full with a reduced fat cheese stick and 3 wheat thins. The therapy has really helped with the head hunger. 

Actively participate in the process.
Pre-liquid diet 392; VSG'd on 6/10/11; 5'9"; SW 368/ GW 195?
Pounds lost: mth1=26.7; mth 2=21.2; mth 3=24.8; mth 4=13.8; mth 5=14.2;  
            mth 6=11.8; mth 7=9.2; mth 8&9= 17.2    
on 12/21/11 2:33 pm - Roseville, MI
16 months here, I was about your height and weight when I started. I'm very happy with my weight loss so far, I have another 50lbs to go to get to my own personal goal, but it seems so much easier now after losing 150lbs this past year. You can and Will do it! Believe in yourself! best wishes!

"Don't tell God how big your mountain is.....tell your mountain how big your God is!"

24 lbs lost pre-op.     My name is Cheryl, and I'm a Sleever!     
100 lbs lost by five months.    
Officially half way to my goal at six months! yay!
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