Scary Stuff Going On Here.......

Debra P.
on 12/19/11 1:56 pm - CA
VSG on 03/15/12
 Sleeve size DOES NOT MATTER... see the link I posted above.  Multiple studies show this... Friscos surgeon uses the smallest bougie there is and it also comes with a larger risk of leaks and gerd, proven fact.  What matters is what you put in your mouth regardless if you have an altered stomach capacity or not. 


on 12/19/11 2:26 pm
On December 19, 2011 at 9:56 PM Pacific Time, Debra P. wrote:
 Sleeve size DOES NOT MATTER... see the link I posted above.  Multiple studies show this... Friscos surgeon uses the smallest bougie there is and it also comes with a larger risk of leaks and gerd, proven fact.  What matters is what you put in your mouth regardless if you have an altered stomach capacity or not. 
I totally agree with you on it's what you put in your mouth that counts......


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 12/20/11 7:15 am
VSG on 10/09/12
If that's all that matters ( what goes into your mouth) then why have surgery? I think it is more than just willpower and discipline. It is a tool in terms of restriction and there are hormonal changes that it comes with. Apparently not just the ghrelin. I have a ton of willpower and strength in all aspects of my life, just not food! So I recognize that I need help and I tried all kinds of help before deciding to pursue the surgical kind. I still might try the hypnosis... I have to wait til April anyhow so might as well use the time....

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 12/19/11 2:19 pm - FL

While I don't disagree with you on most of the points, my gut level reaction is that we have to be careful about definitions and about potentially undermining a person's confidence in their surgeon.  What is an appropriate eating plan?  I keep seeing references to 'rushed' eating plans and things like that but who gets to make that determination?  You? Me? 

Here's a link to Cornell University Medical School's WLS program diet for Sleevers: es_sleeve_gastrectomy.pdf

It is very similar to the program my surgeon uses with patients starting purees (i.e., blenderized food) pretty much when they get home from the hospital.  Is it Dr. Criangle's program? NO.

I think, as with most things, there is no one 'right' way to work the sleeve.  We know generally the parameters followed by those who are successful.  As Picasso said, 'Good artists borrow, Great artists steal.'  There's not much to be gained by ignoring the success of others except to the extent it is contradicted by the expert medical advice for which we pay our surgeons. 

Carolyn  (32 lbs lost Pre-op) HW: 291, SW: 259, GW: 129.5, CW: 126.4 

Age: 45, Height: 5'2 1/4"  , Stretch Goal:  122   


on 12/19/11 2:41 pm - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
I like this response.  Ya know what is funny?  I just realized this when I looked at the Cornell eating plan.  They are not created by the surgeon.  They are (probably 99%) of the time made by a dietician.  The Cornell one has no doctor listed.

My personal bias will show here because I personally have yet to meet a dietician that wasn't dumber than a box of rocks.  They are the experts at cookie cutter diets from their offical ADA and FDA books.

The surgeon does the cutting and we leave the food intake part to them?  Makes no sense.  Too bad we have to just "accept" the dietician and eating plan that comes with our surgeon of choice.
Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 12/19/11 6:30 pm
VSG on 10/09/12
The Cornell plan was developped by a team of nutritionists AND Dr Michel Gagner. He told me so himself. That is the plan he gives to his patients. And he uses larger size bougies. Can't really call someone like Gagner a rookie nor someone who hasn't done his studies etc.

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 12/20/11 6:30 am - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
Hmm interesting.  Wonder why he didn't add his name to it?  Not saying I don't believe you....I actually do.  But you would think if this was a project he worked on with the two dieticians listed on the plan.....that he would proudly have his name attached to it.  It would even lend it more credence to have a doctor listed as one of the authors. 

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 12/20/11 6:51 am
VSG on 10/09/12
I did wonder the same thing but didn't want to ask him...but...he did say he was the one who worked the plan out with Liz Goldenberg when he was the chair of surgery there. Maybe it was published and finalized after he left? Who knows.

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



(deactivated member)
on 12/19/11 2:49 pm - Canada
VSG on 08/16/13
on one hand i agree if you get the surgery and still try to eat crappy high caloric/carb food you are not mentally ready for this... on the other hand those who are struggling to not barf their guts out when they try to drink a protein shake and are wondering what other kinds of protein to use shouldn't be chastized for it.

i don't think ANYONE is really 100% ready for this.  reading for days, years whatever doesn't give you the same experience as actually going through it.  some of those who are fresh out will find that things don't always go smoothly or according to plan because of how their body is reacting, and they are afraid and they come here for help.

the stuff that blows my mind is the 'working their way around the sleeve'.  you went through major surgery to get part of your stomach taken out.  you risked your life for this.  why the heck would you even THINK of eating junk food and sugar?  that's the kinda stuff that made you gain weight in the first place!  i wish people would realize that it's not just quantity of food but quality of food that counts.  you can hardly eat anything, make a choice to put highly nutritionally dense food in your mouth!

(deactivated member)
on 12/19/11 2:56 pm
so you're saying my snicker brownie protein smoothie doesn't work??? jk
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