Scary Stuff Going On Here.......

Susan C.
on 12/19/11 2:12 pm
 Well said!!
on 12/19/11 11:36 pm
" I am not at all concerned with appearing to be consistent. In my pursuit after Truth I have discarded many ideas and learnt many new things."  Ghandi            
on 12/20/11 1:33 am
on 12/20/11 1:37 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On December 19, 2011 at 9:28 PM Pacific Time, Jessica H. wrote:
I went into surgery thinking, wow, this is awesome.  I had literally everything I needed to know and then some.  What I didn't have was personal experience which is why this forum (and youtube videos) came in so handy.  I went into surgery knowing EXACTLY what I needed to do and what was required of me post-op.  What I didn't realize was how I was going to feel after the surgery.  I didn't realize that I was going to be the one struggling to get in all my fluids and protein.  I didn't realize that vitamins and certain protein shakes were going to make me vomit.  You go into surgery thinking you'll come out following your surgeon's plan exactly, I mean, why wouldn't you?!  

It's great that you are able to be a poster child for the sleeve.  But what about the rest of us who just honestly want to know..."who else is going through what I am?"  You don't always get perfect results especially on a public forum.  Why should those people who aren't able to find a freaking protein shake they can tolerate feel bad about that?  

If someone has a question or needs to vent, isn't that why we are here?  This isn't the VSG board 2 years ago.  We are a new batch that want exactly what you want, to be healthy.  We also have questions that are valid to us.  This is almost 2012 where the VSG is becoming increasing popular as more insurance companies start to cover it.  Be prepared for more "scary ****"

It's not our job to screen whether or not someone is/was prepared for surgery.  Yes. there are a lot of Bariatric Hospital "Farms" gladly taking people's insurance money without fully educating them on their decision.  I am glad that person can come here and not be judged so we can give them lots of different advice and opinions.  Who else do they have?

I honestly hope that you haven't discouraged anyone from asking a question that may not be important to you but is important to them.  

Hopefully in two years, I'll still be on this board.  I promise you, I won't be the judgemental ***** just the skinny *****
You are absolutely right,and even though Frisco *says* he is not saying he is wrong or right IMHO ,he **DOES THINK* he is right.

It is too bad that not everyone can get to California and be Dr. Cirangles patient,but that is the reality. The rest of us just have to settle for what we can get *sigh*.

That is part of the job of the people who post on this help those who may not have been as prepared as we were. Why hate on them? Is it their fault their surgeons might have a less strong program?

There is nothing Frisco or anyone else can do about the glut of "unprepared" surgeons coming out of the woodwork.  any general surgeon can do WLS,they don't have to be a bariatrician.

If they are a general surgeon,they can do any surgery they choose to do. it is on the patient to make the most educated choice they can and then there are those,who like you,made their most educated choice and their bodies just had a different idea.




on 12/20/11 7:50 am
 Well said hollykim!  I agree! 
on 12/19/11 1:35 pm - Sacramento, CA
Oooooooooooooo Frisco!  I'm so glad you've made this post!!! 

Even though I'm not a veteran by any means, I've been thinking the same thing.  I haven't been around long enough to witness a good amount of failure leaving, but some of these eating plans are crazy!  And I think you're right - with the VSG being a less radical surgery, I think some people are in fact "trying to beat the system" instead of using it as an effective tool.  Just look at eating plan problems:

- Now that I've had surgery, could someone tell me what to eat?
- The mushie stage is for any kind of mushy foods!  Mashed potatoes with gravy and ice cream!
- My surgeon said it was ok to eat full solids and ruffage two weeks after surgery
- I don't like how protein shakes taste, so I'm don't drink them.  How can I get 80g of protein in?

I swear I'm not exaggerating:  In the last support group I had was a new guy, two weeks out from VSG surgery.  First, he talks about the pain he has while eating.  At two weeks out, he's trying to eat 4 ounces of meat.  Says that's what his surgeon told him to do.  Next, he talks about the challenge of having to eat out.  His family is going to the Cheesecake Factory - since he had VSG and not the bypass, it's okay to eat a spoonful of cheesecake too, right, since he won't get sick?  I worry for this person.

And you're right about a window of opportunity for weight loss - people have so much trouble adhering to diets for long periods of time, even with tools like VSG and bypass.  There was another post on here recently where someone said something like it took them two years to get to the endpoint, so it's possible, so stop telling us all that we need to hurry at the beginning!  Sure, it's true for that individual, and it's possible, but why stack the cards against yourself? 

People are having this surgery when they're not ready.  They haven't researched their diet, haven't thought about how they're going to change their eating habits, and haven't realized that they have to leave their passion for food behind.

I hope people continue to follow your footsteps, and the other successful individuals you listed. 


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

(deactivated member)
on 12/19/11 2:19 pm
SO, I take this one personal. Everyone says "do what your surgeon says." Right? Well my surgeon gave my an undetailed plan and it says after ONE WEEK I can have all kinds of **** including eggs, refriend beans, cheese, mashed potatoes, applesauce, cottage cheese, and even soft fish, etc. After 1 month I can add chicken and everything else. There is no puree stage. It goes straight from liquids to that. When I posted about it someone told me to slow down and I thought about it and agreed that it was a good idea. Now, if I get told to follow my surgeons instructions and meal plans and then get put on blast for it, that's ridiculous and that's not me trying to cheat the system, it's me following me surgeons plan like everyone says to do.

With that being said, I've been trying to find out other people's meal plans, including ones with puree stages and what is included in them so that I can find one that I feel more comfortable with since I agree that jumping to all of those foods at a week out is too much.

I come here to read about MANY different experiences from MANY different people who have experienced success, not just those who had one specific surgeon and one specific plan. I believe that there is more than one way to skin a cat and different things work for different people. I want to hear what worked for everyone and based on that I make my decisions because I am an individual, just like you made the decision to follow your surgeons directives to the T, or not and I will make my decision to not follow my meal plan since I think it is too drastic. (That was to Frisco)

To insinuate that I am not "ready" or that you have any insight into my frame of mind is quite offensive. No one came here knowing everything and still, no matter how much weight was lost, no one knows everything and they can still fall off the wagon at some point.

This board is not here to judge people and I don't know why it's starting to turn into that. I'm pretty shocked. Let's be supportive.
on 12/19/11 2:35 pm

Shouldn't take it personal..... It was not directed toward you...It was an "General Observation" post. I've read most your posts and admire your enthusiasm.....that will go far....


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

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                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

(deactivated member)
on 12/19/11 2:54 pm
(deactivated member)
on 12/19/11 2:58 pm
ugh my super long post was cut off and I'm not even going to try to rewrite it...
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