Scary Stuff Going On Here.......

(deactivated member)
on 12/20/11 9:17 am
I'm not offended, just trying to figure things out. I had my follow up appt today and my surgeon reinforced his plan even though I kept asking about taking it slower. He chuckled and told me it was fine and so did the nurses... sooo, now I'm must find more guides. As of now the only ones I've seen are mine and LapSF. I'd like to see a few more before I change from liquids. Honestly, I'm too scared to even eat cottage cheese or yogurt right now at a week out. *sigh*
on 12/20/11 9:25 am, edited 12/20/11 10:19 am
OK.... here is the deal...

If you were to look at my prior posts..... The only time I really get kinda forward is when it is related to healing......

When your all wanna eat crap(meaning tougher foods)..... knock yourself out !!!!!

Get yourself to a month out being real gentle with your new stomach..... than start a new !!!!


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 12/20/11 8:15 pm
on 12/20/11 8:17 pm
on 12/20/11 4:08 am - San Antonio, TX
on 12/20/11 4:25 am, edited 12/20/11 4:34 am - San Antonio, TX

Well I can understand some of your points Mr Frisco and I  understand that you said  that "not everybody falls into this" First let me tell you ,I know that you are "trying" to help the new sleevers like me. I know why I choose to have surgery, to commit myself to a new life style. To eat better and of course to exercise.  Most of us know that the 2 mayor keys to be successful with ANY WLS is diet and exercise. I have to defend my self on here as new sleever. I come to this forum to receive SUPPORT of any kind. I come over to this forum to ask questions once in a while. I am more active at the Vertical Sleeve Talk forum because I feel more comfortable at that board. We all like to ask questions after having this surgery ,we all love to read other opinions besides what our surgeon needs to say about our concerns. At the same time with this post  you are making us "newbies" feel unwelcome to this board. I am pretty sure that you had many questions right after being sleeved. Why fear about the VSG rate to go down? I think you should worried more on trying to help the "new people on here" And encourage us to keep it up but with other kind of words. To me the sleeve is nothing "trendy". After I put my life on risk and I had 85% of my stomach removed, I understand that my life must change for ever.  I think to resolve this issue that you just explained needs to be more support in this board to the new sleevers. I don't like when you compare people who had this surgery 2,3 and 4 years ago with someone who just had surgery because everybody is different. I think encouragement is the key on this board.

on 12/20/11 4:50 am
On December 20, 2011 at 12:25 PM Pacific Time, bathoria wrote:

Well I can understand some of your points Mr Frisco and I  understand that you said  that "not everybody falls into this" First let me tell you ,I know that you are "trying" to help the new sleevers like me. I know why I choose to have surgery, to commit myself to a new life style. To eat better and of course to exercise.  Most of us know that the 2 mayor keys to be successful with ANY WLS is diet and exercise. I have to defend my self on here as new sleever. I come to this forum to receive SUPPORT of any kind. I come over to this forum to ask questions once in a while. I am more active at the Vertical Sleeve Talk forum because I feel more comfortable at that board. We all like to ask questions after having this surgery ,we all love to read other opinions besides what our surgeon needs to say about our concerns. At the same time with this post  you are making us "newbies" feel unwelcome to this board. I am pretty sure that you had many questions right after being sleeved. Why fear about the VSG rate to go down? I think you should worried more on trying to help the "new people on here" And encourage us to keep it up but with other kind of words. To me the sleeve is nothing "trendy". After I put my life on risk and I had 85% of my stomach removed, I understand that my life must change for ever.  I think to resolve this issue that you just explained needs to be more support in this board to the new sleevers. I don't like when you compare people who had this surgery 2,3 and 4 years ago with someone who just had surgery because everybody is different. I think encouragement is the key on this board.

I hear what your saying......And I would agree if I wasn't supportive of others.....your comment is VERY obvious that you don't know me.......

Please look at some of my back posts and let me know if you still feel the same......


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 12/20/11 4:56 am, edited 12/20/11 6:13 am - San Antonio, TX
On December 20, 2011 at 12:50 PM Pacific Time, frisco wrote: On December 20, 2011 at 12:25 PM Pacific Time, bathoria wrote:

Well I can understand some of your points Mr Frisco and I  understand that you said  that "not everybody falls into this" First let me tell you ,I know that you are "trying" to help the new sleevers like me. I know why I choose to have surgery, to commit myself to a new life style. To eat better and of course to exercise.  Most of us know that the 2 mayor keys to be successful with ANY WLS is diet and exercise. I have to defend my self on here as new sleever. I come to this forum to receive SUPPORT of any kind. I come over to this forum to ask questions once in a while. I am more active at the Vertical Sleeve Talk forum because I feel more comfortable at that board. We all like to ask questions after having this surgery ,we all love to read other opinions besides what our surgeon needs to say about our concerns. At the same time with this post  you are making us "newbies" feel unwelcome to this board. I am pretty sure that you had many questions right after being sleeved. Why fear about the VSG rate to go down? I think you should worried more on trying to help the "new people on here" And encourage us to keep it up but with other kind of words. To me the sleeve is nothing "trendy". After I put my life on risk and I had 85% of my stomach removed, I understand that my life must change for ever.  I think to resolve this issue that you just explained needs to be more support in this board to the new sleevers. I don't like when you compare people who had this surgery 2,3 and 4 years ago with someone who just had surgery because everybody is different. I think encouragement is the key on this board.

I hear what your saying......And I would agree if I wasn't supportive of others.....your comment is VERY obvious that you don't know me.......

Please look at some of my back posts and let me know if you still feel the same......


 Yeah you are right I sure don't know you. I did look at your previous "latest" post and  I understand you are supporting  people on here but with this post you made,you are making me feel unwelcome like I said before.

on 12/20/11 5:50 am
Please forgive me....I admit right up front that I didn't read most of the replies. So if this has been discussed, please excuse me. 
The one thing I have seen mentioned several times here is that  people drop off after six months, it is SEEMS that the assumption is that they are dropping off because they are not successful. 
I cannot for the life of me understand why that is assumed or how that could possibly be inferred from that.  I think that is just a natural progression of things.  Newbies are going to post a lot to ask questions and introduce themselves.  then post ops are going to post a lot because of all the questions that come up in the immediate post op period.  Then people start to get into a groove, understand their program and resume a normal life and don't feel the need to post or simply don't have questions.  There are always going to be people that stick around because they like message boards, or because they feel strongly about WLS and want to continue to support people new to the process.  But there are going to be a significant portion of people that just go back to "life" as they knew it.  I have a full time job, my husband has a full time job, we have a house to care for, and i have two children -- both in activities. I also have pets to care for.  Posting regularly on OH doesn't really fit into that equation.  Does that mean I'm not successful? NO.  Does it mean that I'm crazy busy -- YES.  I'm not going to comment on any of the other things, but this notion that people dropping off after the six month time frame is somehow suspect really bothers me.  I have just never been able to understand that.
Just my two cents.
Again, I apologize if this was already mentioned.
CW: 255 SW: 234 
on 12/20/11 6:29 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
(Sorry in advance, this is long.)  OK.....I am going to jump in here.  I am a "Middle".  I have passed my 6 month mark and am not on here as much anymore as I used to be.  I am a combo of "out living my life", feeling like I have "got this in control" and kinda slacking off a little too. 

I understand both sides of this discussion.

I don't know Frisco personally but I try to read all his posts.  Frisco's writing style has him coming off as a "to the point", "no nonsense" kinda guy that isn't all warm and fuzzy.  However, I bet he's a teddy bear with a big heart.  I think some people take his way of communication right on the chin and that is not the way they like to get their info.

Another aspect of this discussion is something that has worried me too.  I see a lot of people that have not been given the info that they should or they haven't done the research they need to do.  They are looking for that easy fix that will make them fart rainbows and **** sunbeams while getting a svelte body, making everything right with their world.  I don't know if these people are intentionally not wanting to know or just don't know that they don't know.  Either way, I lose patience with these posts.  This didn't happen on OH but here's an example of the same type of thing I see sometimes on this forum that has some of the "vets" upset:  I have a friend that wants to have VSG.    She desperately needs it but it will be a financial hardship because her insurance doesn't cover the surgery.  I have steered her to this website, recommended my doc as a self payer.  I gave her a copy of Dr. Alvarez's book.  Put TONS of info, research articles, sample recipes, etc on a thumb drive for her to review while making her  decision.  Two months later, she gives me back the book, the thumb drive and admits that she hasn't read any of it or been on OH even once.  Her reason?  This is an exact quote...."With a smart friend like you that's doing good, why do I need to read all this stuff?  I can just call you when I have a question."  I was dumbfounded.  Why would you alter your body, spend thousands of $$, risk your life/health and not learn the first thing about it?  Needless to say, I backed off and am helping to encourage someone else.

There are also doctors/teams/programs out there that scare the hell out of me.  'Nuff said.

Then there are those people that aren't given a lot of info or prep but they make the effort to go out on their own and get it.  THESE are the people I want to help. 

Going thru this surgery is a whole lot like giving birth.  With my first child, I read every book on pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, etc. in the library.  I went to Lamaze.  I ate healthy and exercised.  Followed my doctor's directions.  Went into labor and was doing great.  27 hours later, when the doc told me that he needed to do a C-section, I was like, "Time out.  Can we just put this on pause for a few hours?  I promise I'll finish later but I am so tired, so hungry and I just want a break".  I was prepared as hell, just like I was for my VSG but the reality of it all was too much at times.  I knew then I didn't have a choice but to continue on and I didn't have a choice but to keep following my plan after VSG if I wanted a good outcome. 

I think everyone is looking at Frisco's post thru their own narrow perspective and getting their feathers ruffled.  This is an emotional journey and this forum is the ONE PLACE where we expect to find understanding, no matter our point in the journey.  That's great and I hope we all find it but remember, we are all adults and we need to try and look at things from other perspectives.

I used to read EVERY post but now, I can tell if it's one that is going to frustrate, exasperate, offend or simply waste my time.  I just skip those.  I try to respond to those that I feel I can contribute to.  And, like Frisco, I have had some PM conversations with people to help them make their decision, get back on their path, etc.  I am giving back because someone did the same for me.

Now I am a weird bird.  I went thru the whole trip of trying to get insurance approval with one group (psyc testing, cardiac clearance, NUT counseling, etc.) only to go to Mexico where there were few requirements and the expectation that there wouldn't be much after care support.  That was fine with me.  I had OH and the ability to think for myself and find the answers I needed.  I wouldn't change a thing.  Would I recommend it to everyone?  HELL NO!  But I've found my path, and I'm succeeding.

And Frisco.......keep it up.  Love ya, man.

Don,,I know you and Frisco don't gel but it takes a helluva man to support and stand up for someone when you aren't their biggest fan.  And your post was very eloquently stated.  Kudos to you!

Like Forrest Gump...."that's all I've got to say about that". 
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
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