How far have you come?

on 12/9/11 7:39 am
 So I am just wandering how far you have come...I have like 250lbs to lose and want to know if there are people out there that has lost that much on this surgery? 

on 12/9/11 7:56 am, edited 12/8/11 7:57 pm
Started at 425 and I'm about halfway there, coming up on 10 months. I haven't been weighed in over a month, so I'm hoping I am below the 300 lb mark now, I know my clothes are looser and I'm down another size, so I'm hopeful........
Definitely need to pay attention to what I'm eating and how often. I CAN eat a little more, and I CAN eat junk, and I CAN eat 5 times a day or even all day. However, because I can, doesn't mean I should!
I'm on my way, and loving being able to walk faster and farther. Love being comfortable when I sit in a car, chair, or toilet stall. Love shopping at real stores for a few nice clothes, and shopping at cheap stores for enough work clothes to see me through until the next size comes along. I am NOT going back, even though I can.
Take care.
(deactivated member)
on 12/9/11 8:35 am
I started with a need to lose a minimum of 150. My surgeon would like to see me lose more like 165-170 but I don't do well that low.

Pre surgery (I had to wait 10 months due to work schedule) I lost 45. Post I've lost 53 for a total of 98. So I still have another 55+ to go.

My surgery will have been 5 months ago on Sunday. I probably could have lost more, I'm ok being a slow loser I'm focusing right now on undoing bad habits and making good choices. I don't always chart my calories under 800, I know i have days I hit 1000.

But many lose what you are looking to lose. You will probably find you lose very quickly the first 6 months, even more than 100. I know the first 50 of my weightloss came off much easier than the second 50 LOL.

It's a good surgery but you do have to follow eating more protein and avoiding carbs. I pretty much never eat bread, rice, pasta, etc. I'd say maybe once a month I get something like that in a very small dose. We just had a christmas lunch party at work - I got turkey and salad and cheese.

You'll do fine!
on 12/9/11 8:46 am
Hi Erica A. 

Heaviest prior to surgery was 352.2.  I am 3 months a few days post surgery. 

I lost 9 pounds on the 1 week liquid diet prior to surgery and 52.4 so far after surgery. 

So grand total so far of 61.4 pounds. 

I am able to eat quite a bit so have to really watch what I eat and when. 

Water is no problem, protein is no problem and I swim for excerise. 

My goal is to lose every bit of extra weight.  I will sure put up a good effort towards it, that's for sure.

I still have 130.8 to go for my dream goal.  The fact I have already lost 61.4 is like amazing, exciting and my push to keep going.  I don't care if it's a pound a week or 5 pounds a long as it's coming off.

Good luck to you and I am loving my sleeve!
on 12/9/11 9:23 am

Hi Erica,
I started out at a whopping 460 pounds. I am now at 276 and 56 pounds from my original goal of 220.
I think I will revise my goal to 190 - 200 as my sleeve is not slowing down much. I was sleeved on 4/26/11. If I get to revised goal I will have lost 260...
Good luck,

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 12/9/11 9:26 am - Austin, TX
I was 375 at my heaviest. I'm now at 271 5.5 months later. I fully expect to lose the next 100 pounds and reevaluate where I am at once I see what 175 looks like.

Part of me (that ***** on my shoulder) thinks I'll never lose another pound... that this has to be it. But I know I can do it. The surgery didn't fix my head. I still WANT to eat. I still want to eat too much. I still want to eat bad stuff. I still want... a lot of things. But it makes it physically impossible to eat like I once could. That's not saying that I couldn't still get in massive calories if I put my mind to it.

... the difference is that I choose not to and the surgery helps me make that choice.

It's hard. I won't lie. But it's worth every single oz that drops off my body.

Candy from Austin, TX  |   Website  |  MyFitnessPal  |  My OH Blog

5'6" / HW 375 / SW 355 / CW 150 / Maintaining 155-159 - Goal Reached! 225 Pounds Lost

on 12/9/11 10:16 am - West Warwick, RI
I started at 348 and lost 19 pre op so I was 329 day of surgery and as of today I have lost a total of 122lbs and 103lbs from surgery. I'm sure I could have done better but I still struggle with carbs. If I really was to get to the right weight for my height I would have had about 200lbs total to lose from my highest weight.
HW 348 SW 329 CW 196  

on 12/9/11 2:47 pm
I started at 300 pounds, and have lost 34 pre-op over 6 months, and now 87 in just over 10 months post op. I am not a fast loser; but I consider my weight loss to be a minor miracle ! I am 55 years old, and at 300 lbs was walking with a cane due to my weight and arthritis.

I am now able to walk unaided; and yes, I still have arthritis, but will now be able to have my knees replaced -- before, I was too obese for the surgery.

I now exercise 3 to 4 days a week, and although my weight loss has slowed down a lot....I am still losing some each month !

Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
on 12/9/11 11:04 pm
This particular weight loss surgery started as a first stage of a 2-stage process for people larger than you. It was so successful for some that they didn't have the second stage. Now, it is a stand-alone surgery.

I have lost 112.5 pounds in 6 months- as of today!  I lost an additional 24 on the 2 week liquid diet that I had to do pre-op.

There have been people that posted here who started well into 400s and 500s. 

For me, life is just plain easier...everything.  I love it!
Pre-liquid diet 392; VSG'd on 6/10/11; 5'9"; SW 368/ GW 195?
Pounds lost: mth1=26.7; mth 2=21.2; mth 3=24.8; mth 4=13.8; mth 5=14.2;  
            mth 6=11.8; mth 7=9.2; mth 8&9= 17.2    
on 12/10/11 11:34 am
 Omgoodness! You guys and girls are my heroes!! As my day is this Friday and I guess I am secretly trying to convince myself that I am not FREAKING out!! I just want to finally be successful and keep going back to the thoughts of my yoyo days!!! Thanks for your thoughts!

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