At a loss... Again

on 12/3/11 1:23 pm - Houston, TX
Well its been a very long time since I have last posted, and Its been almost a year and half since I had VGS (that was butched, but thats not my problem) 

I continue to loose weight, I am almost 115 and I am rail thin (5'11 male, 22yrs old) I cannot keep weight, or even gain it and I am very much in tears about this because I cannot afford to see my doctor right now. I am hoping that will change come the start of the new year but it will still be over a month before I am even able to do that! 

I need adivce. Has anyone else had such issues? ( I have done everything I have been told to do, its expensive to buy the health suppliments like protein shots, so I cannot do those often) I eat the foods that have high protein, and even the bad ones! I would take fat over muscles at this point and sometimes I really wish I had just forgone this surgery altogether...
on 12/3/11 2:01 pm - GA
VSG on 03/21/12
I don't have any answers for you, I have not had surgery yet. I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying things turn around for you soon. I am sure some of the vets will chime in soon. Good Luck!
on 12/3/11 2:24 pm - WI
 just curious what do you mean by butched? can you cosume more calories? I hope you can get some medical advice very soon!
HW 314    SW 297 Thanks for the season Packers! 15-2!!
**CW 234 month 1-23 month 2-14 month 3-13 month 4-11 
on 12/3/11 2:32 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Is it that you can't eat?  How is it that you can't keep weight on?  If you are trying to gain weight I wouldn't worry about getting in all your protein.  I would up carbs.  But again further clarification is needed.
            Plus an additional 42.2lbs pre op! Starting weight 300lbs.                 
on 12/3/11 2:40 pm - los angeles, CA
I just read your old posts and realized what a nightmare you have been through with this surgery.  I cannot believe you are down to 115 that is so tiny for you.  I know it's easy to say get a nutritionist when you have no insurance but you have to find a way if not to gain but to keep healthy until you can get medical help.  I'd suggest going back to protein shakes and at least getting your protein in.  I'd also suggest eating an avocado a day and a handful of nuts several times a day.  Even if you are not gaining you may stop the losing.  Good luck to you.
on 12/3/11 2:54 pm - WA
So sorry for all your are going through. I would suggest using the body builder protein shakes. My Bf uses them when he wants to put on weight. They are for weight gain, high in protein and calories. That way you are not adding McDonalds.

on 12/3/11 3:07 pm - CA
You could try adding snacks every few hours, and adding calories to what you do eat.  I wouldn't worry about avoiding fat right now.  Have you lost 115 pounds or do you weigh 115 pounds?  have you slowed down your exercise?  I'm so sorry you are having this problem and I wish I could be more helpful.  Does your surgical team have a nutritionist that you can e-mail questions to?  What about a support group?  They often have nutritionist as speakers that you could ask some questions after the meeting,  At the risk of sounding stupid, peanut butter?  Milkshakes?  You have a problem we have all dreamed of but the reality sounds like it is really hard.  Good luck.
putting one foot in front of the other...        
Greg M.
on 12/3/11 6:38 pm - Cincinnati, OH
I read through some of your old posts and noticed that you have or had a thyroid problem.  I believe that is the cause of your significant weight loss.  Thyroid is the bodies thermostat for burning calories.  If it's too high it won't matter how much you eat or what kind of food you eat, your metabolism rate will be so high you'll burn through your calories like a steam engine.

My wife has Graves disease which caused a thyroid storm...flooding the body with excess thyroid so I know something about thyroid problems.  The way it's cured is to drink radioactive iodine.  The iodine targets the thyroid and kills some/most of it off depending on the dosage. 

It takes several months for the thyroid levels to stabilize after the treatment and then your doctor will adjust the thyroid level by measuring the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) blood level and then supplement with oral thyroid (Synthroid) to maintain healthy thyroid levels.

I believe that surgery can also be done to remove some or all of the thyroid gland to control its output.  If your thyroid is still a question, you need to beg, borrow or steal the money to get it taken care of as soon as possible.  Your life is at risk.

Hoping and praying for the best..keep us posted.


  Lapband 12/11/08 - Slip 6/16/09 - 2nd Slip & Removal 8/3/09...Sleeve 12/22/11

mini_me_ now
on 12/3/11 7:02 pm

you can add things like peanut butter, more protein shakes, cheese.

if you buy a protein powder add a banana to your shake. or both pb and a banana... add an extra scoop of protein to it as well will lift your calories.. you can drink a couple of these a day ontop of your food calories.

when you eat meat add cheese,even if its melted,  eating healthy carbs should slow your loss too like a whole grain sandwhich with pb on it..

id not add too much junk food because once you get it to where you want it you might find it to be hard to cut it out.. add protein bars they are like a candy bar but at least they have protein in them as well.

Linda     5".4

6lbs under goal weight
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on 12/3/11 11:27 pm - NC
Okay, I know I am going to get yelled at for this one, but I am very concerned if you weight 11l5lbs and are 5'11" and a male on top of that.

Can you do ice cream? I have very tight resriction still and once I ate drumbstic**** cream bar and it went down easy as could be. Kind of scary really. He He

Anyway, I think if you weigh 115lbs, you need to gain weight pronto. I would add high fat, slidder foods, just to protect your health until you can get this all straightened out. I would hate for your body to start shutting down. I could eat junk food (chips, sugary drinks, ice cream) all day long if I wanted to and not get too full. I normally would never suggest that to someone, but you really have to do something to keep from getting thinner and to get your energy back to where you can think straight to do what you need to do to get this thing straightened out.

I know it's not going to be popular but that's my advice. To me, protecting your long-term health is essential right now. You are at a dangerously low weight and need to stop losing asap, at least to me.

Good luck on your journey. I agree with the other poster about getting your thyroid checked out too, when you can. There are free clinics around too. Maybe you could get in to one of them if you need to.

I hope things turn around soon for you.
On my way!!!!!!

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