What NEW thing do you want to do in 2012 now that you've lost weight?

on 11/23/11 5:32 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
I know we all have goals and sizes we want to fit but with the new year being just 6 weeks away (YIKES!!)  I am already thinking about things I want to do in 2012 that I couldn't do 85 lbs ago.  A few things on my 'TO DO" list for 2012:
1.  Get back into running again.  Not just jogging but running long distances.
2.  Gardening;  I want to grow a vegetable garden this next year.  Before I couldn't stand the Kentucky heat in the summers and bending over was torture.
3.  Horse back riding:  The last time I went horse back riding was almost 10 years ago and I was heavier than I am now.  They put me on a Percheron mare (think Clydesdale only solid black and without the hairy feet) because nothing else would carry me.  It took a full grown draft horse.  She got tired of carrying my fat ass and laid down in a lake to get me off but that's another story.  I've been afraid to go again because of what it would do to the horse.  Have you seen the previews for the new Adam Sandler movie where he has a twin sister that visits for the holidays?  The sister gets on a horse and the poor animal does a four way splits because she's so heavy.  That's what I was afraid would happen to any poor horse I got on.  Now I can ride with a clear conscience.
4.  Go canoeing without it going vertical in the water because I weigh down the one end.  You know kinda like asee-saw with only one person on it?
5.  Go kayaking.  My boss loves to go and wants me to go with her.  We have some beautiful lakes near our house but I was afraid I'd swamp the kayak and have to swim to shore dodging snakes.  Not now!
6.  Go rappeling.  Now it won't take a winch and crane on the other end!
7.  Go diving again.  20 years ago, I was certified and loved to go scuba diving.  When I was 272 lbs, it was just too difficult for me.  Now I can go again!
8.  Take my grandkids to the water park.  I'm ashamed to say I've never done that.  I won't look like a swimsuit model (unless you think of a Shar pei puppy with a swimsuit on) but at least I won't look like a beached whale!
9.  Climb a tree.  I used to love to climb trees when I was a kid and I have a couple of grandkids that are little monkeys.  I want to take them tree climbing.  Won't that be funny---a 50 yo broad climbing trees?  My neighbors already think I'm crazy....now they will be convinced.
10.  THE ABSOLUTE BEST ONE--I want my husband to carry me over the threshold of the house he built for me.  Another 30 pounds or so and I will let him do that.  He's never been able to do that and I can't wait.
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
on 11/23/11 7:13 am - Granada Hills, CA
Run - at least a 10k if not half marathon

Go kayakking

Overnight hike/back packing

Plastic surgery

And sooo much more.

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


Crystal M.
on 11/23/11 8:35 am - El Paso, TX
I want to be able to dress like a woman again, instead of in men's jeans & t-shirts.

It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.                

on 11/23/11 8:47 am
Go to amusement park and actually ride the rides

Get some hot new clothes

At some point start running

HW:409  SW:328 CW:185-190 GW: 190, lowest wt:165;

GS Surgery date 8/9/11

Body by Sauceda born 12/9/16

"I'm working on myself, for myself, by myself"

on 11/23/11 8:54 am - OH
Going to Cedar Point ( amusement park) and riding all the coasters over and over again.

on 11/23/11 9:12 am
Take english saddle lessons

get a new knee

Of course I think the above are mutually exclusive of each other....darn it.

What I WANT, but cannot afford is....a tummy tuck, extended please.

Oh well....I think I'll settle for either a new knee or the riding lessons...
Briar Rose  
High Wt 300 lbs.  Pre-op Wt loss 34 lbs.   
on 11/23/11 9:42 am - VA
VSG on 02/01/12 with
Well, I haven't had surgery yet, but I'll either have it at the end of this month or at the beginning of January depending on insurances.

I am looking forward to a cruise that we're going to go on in August. We'd like to get family portraits taken on the cruise and I'm looking forward to being normal-ish sized. I'm also looking forward to getting a new swimsuit b/c my plus sized one is worn out, but I couldn't justify buying a new one knowing I was on my way to WLS.
VSG on 2/1/12 with Dr. Halmi
on 11/23/11 10:26 am - Fort Wayne, IN
I want to walk in a 5K and build a collection of tshirts from them that I can wear to the gym.

Open yourself to possibility and possibility will present itself.
(deactivated member)
on 11/23/11 10:30 am - Edmonton, Canada
Keep myself on track and try to help others get on track thru my consulting business !!! Check out my website and lets start helping others
on 11/23/11 11:07 am - Redlands, CA
I want to go to Disneyland and actually be able to go on the rides. I have been a few times with family and end up waiting for them at the end of the rides. Not alot of fun. I am hoping that by May of next year I will be able to go for my birthday!!!
  HW:475 SW:433 CW: 375 