Please tell me it's OK

on 11/19/11 7:52 am - NC
I am on my 2 weeks liquid diet and I drank 6 ounce diet Pepsi.. My paper work doesn't say not to. Just liquids anything through a straw. Worried
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change and the courage to change the things I can. Above all the wisdom to know the difference    
R. Darragh
on 11/19/11 7:56 am - TX
My dr told me no carbonation whatsoever, and for sure don't drink out of a straw.
on 11/19/11 8:03 am
I was told the same thing.  No carbonation.
LaToya S.
on 11/19/11 8:04 am - Edwardsville, IL
My liquid diet says I can have diet soda- but I am choosing not too because I can't have it for a while after surgery.
I actually gave up soda over 6 weeks ago.


Twitter: @ScrogginsFamily  

on 11/19/11 8:06 am

You are still Pre-Op and on the 2 week "liver shrinking" diet. Having 6oz of diet Pepsi now is not a problem. However Post Op soda is a no-no, it would be best for you to give up the soda now; especially if you have a soda habit like I did.

Good luck

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 11/19/11 11:33 am
I drank diet soda on my liquid diet too. The whole way through all the way up to the night before surgery. I called my doc office and she said they "prefer" you not to, but it does not hurt anything! 
on 11/20/11 1:34 am - TX
I drank one Coke Zero a day up to the day before surgery. I figured I would go through my caffeine withdrawal while I was on meds in the hospital. I haven't had a soda since then.
on 11/20/11 6:08 am
I tried to give up my diet coke habit prior to surgery but didn't.  I was drinking probably 32 oz/day and I figured I'd have horrible headaches from giving it up.  I don't know if it was due to the pain meds I was on or what, but I never had a headache, and haven't had a diet coke (or anything carbonated) since two days before surgery!

5'9" All weight lost post-op. Goal weight determined by body composition testing.

on 11/22/11 12:15 pm - Saginaw, MI
My NUT told me no carbonated drinks however, she said a diet soda was ok as long as I took the carbonation out of it :) Hope this helps



                      With Gods help I am going to beat this!  


on 11/22/11 3:42 pm - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
Are you pre op or post op?  If your surgery date listed is correct you are pre op.  Diet soda isn't a problem then but you really should be "practicing" and weaning yourself off it for post-op.

Second....they make you drink through a straw pre-op?  What a wierd rule.
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