400 pounder... should I sleeve???

(deactivated member)
on 11/19/11 6:54 am
So, I'm just about 400 pounds, 380 actually. I am stuck between VSG and RNY. I really want to have VSG but I am concerned that because I am so heavy I won't be successful in losing a substantial amount of weight. From my understanding you need much more self control with VSG and with me being almost 400 pounds, obviously self control is not my strong point. The nurse told me that I will probably only lose 100 pounds and that  people often come back and say they wish they had the RNY. :( I'm not ok with the vitamin deficiencies associated with the RNY or the actual bypassing BUT I do like the fact that you lose the weight and you lose it fast. Also, I have PCOS and weight loss is very difficult for us with this condition. I am scared that VSG may not be enough since my hormones are so out of whack.

I have a surgery date of 12/12/11 but I have to make a final decision of which surgery by MONDAY in order for the new paper work to go in on time. I just don't want to make the wrong decision. They also said insurance doesn't usually cover a second surgery so it looks like i have one chance!

Is there anyone out there that has been successful with the sleeve at my size??
LaToya S.
on 11/19/11 7:01 am - Edwardsville, IL
You and I are in the same boat. I am 385 (or the last time I weighed I was) and I was curious if people have lost more than 200 pounds with the sleeve.
The answer is yes. If you can search for some of the post I have started you should see it, it was from a few days ago. I am curious to see the answers today as well. My surgery is in 10 days!

I also made it up in my mind that if the sleeve does not work or I don't loose enough I will pay for the revisin myself---it is a price I will have to pay.


Twitter: @ScrogginsFamily  

(deactivated member)
on 11/19/11 7:05 am
I am new to the forum and I haven't found a way to search yet. I was reading every thread up to page 10 or so and didn't see anything for anyone above the 330's and I was feeling kind of sad. Omg we are going to have similar surgery dates and similar starting weights! :) I really think I am going to go with the sleeve, but I need a little bit of a push.

I am interested to hear at what rate people this size have lost...
LaToya S.
on 11/19/11 7:10 am - Edwardsville, IL
We can push each other. I went for a workout this morning and felt really good.


Twitter: @ScrogginsFamily  

(deactivated member)
on 11/19/11 7:15 am
I haven't started exercising at all. I am too embarrassed to do anything in public, even walking around the block. I am looking at treadmills and I found an affordable one with a good weight capacity (the joys of being my size!) and I'm supposed to be puruchasing it this week. I am going to buy some small weights too and some work out videos geared towards people my size. I just need to get my butt up and move!!
on 11/19/11 7:51 am
I know exactly how you feel.  I was 372.5 the month before surgery.  I had a gym membership for 6 years that I never used out of fear people would see me at that weight.  I had VSG in March 2011 and now about 8-9 months  out, I weigh less than 230.  I'm apporaching 150 lbs lost.  I personally do think self control is needed, but that goes for any surgery.  I have found self control mucheasier because I don't have the level of hunger I did have and I also can eat such a small amount.  I couldn't 'stuff' myself if I wanted to.  I'd puke.  I look at that as a plus.  Many may not....its a big plus for me.  I measure all my meals, less with utensils or scales now but by comparison.  I use the deck of cards trick and eat about half a deck of cards at any meal.  I am able to enjoy food while not letting it control me....it really it nice.

I strongly recommend VSG.  I don't think you will regret it.  It will improve your health and change your life. 
HW(2-19-11) - 375    SW(3-9-11) - 362.5    CW - 204    GW - 220
Reached 100 pounds lost from highest weight at 3.5 months post-op!!!
Reached 100 pounds lost since surgery weight at 4.75 months post-op!!!
(deactivated member)
on 11/19/11 8:01 am
Wow, I haven't weighed 230 in SO long. I agree that self control is needed, but I like that you said it's a lot easier. I am looking forward to "not being able to stuff myself if I wanted to!" So when you do the deck of cards trick, that actually fills you up all the way or that is all you will allow yourself to eat? Also, is this food that is only the amount of a deck of cards mostly appropriate and healthy food or are you just kind of doing whatever you want just with smaller portions? I am just wondering how things are 9 months out. I am amazed with your amount of loss. It makes me happy to hear your success.
on 11/19/11 8:09 am
Half a deck of cards, completely dependant on what it is, gets me to where I feel satisfied but not on the verge of being too much.  Now, if it was dry grilled chicken breast or drier cut of steak, then that may be more than I could eat.  If it is, say, taco salad, (which is my goto food lol) I could eat more.  For some reason lettuce seems to allow me to eat more....

But generally, that amount will completely satisfy me without feeling over full.  If I went to a full deck of cards size, I would puke.  For me, I have tried some 'bad' things like ice cream and cookies and for the most part more than a bite or two just make me feel queezy.  I tend to follow the everything in moderation rule.  I allow myself a small treat on rare occasions without guilt but only if I have met goals for that week.  So for the most part, 'bad foods' just don't agree with me.  Cheese is on exception though.  But I allow myself cheese as it hasn't seemed to slow my weight loss any.
HW(2-19-11) - 375    SW(3-9-11) - 362.5    CW - 204    GW - 220
Reached 100 pounds lost from highest weight at 3.5 months post-op!!!
Reached 100 pounds lost since surgery weight at 4.75 months post-op!!!
LaToya S.
on 11/19/11 9:26 am - Edwardsville, IL
I just wanted to say congrats on your success so far.


Twitter: @ScrogginsFamily  

Dawnie 88
on 11/19/11 7:04 am
I began at 354 lbs..5 ft 5" tall...size 32 jeans..and 4xl shirts..and NO self control when it came to food.

I lost my first 100 lbs in 5 mths and 10 days, 132 lbs lost by 9 mths..and now at 19 mths postop i have lost 163 lbs so far..and still losing.  I have not been as strict since about one year out..and i am still losing. I could lose faster if i were more strict, but i am thrilled with where i'm at..so i'm ok with it.  I now weigh 191 lbs so far..and a size 13 juniors jeans..and a Large or XL shirt..and feel awesome!

Good Luck in making your decision...

I can tell you that with any weight loss surgery you will have to be disciplined after surgery..you cannot just eat whatever you want and expect to lose and keep it off...no matter which surgery.  I am very happy with the sleeve, and never thought I could get to where I'm at..but did so with ease...thanks to my sleeve.


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