"Yeah, I get that alot lately"..

Mr Mom
on 11/9/11 2:32 pm, edited 11/9/11 2:33 am
This is one of those things that has been happening to me lately that I'm not sure is a good thing or a bad thing. I went to the post office last eve to drop a bunch of parcels off at the late night PO in downtown Phoenix. I've been going there for years and I know the staff there very well, on 1st name basis with most of them. All my parcels have the postage on them already so they let me bring my parcels in and place them on the conveyor to save time and I don't have to wait in line. I was there nearly 10 minutes unloading my parcels onto the belt working not more than 10 feet from one of the ladies that works there that I have known there for years. She just looked at me a few times and never said a word. I found it odd since she's usually pretty chatty and always asks about the baby. When I finally said hi to her she took a double take at me and said "oh my God Craig, I honestly didn't even know that was you, are you alright"? I said yes I'm fine and told her that it's OK, I get that alot lately.
So now that I'm down 165 Lbs I'm not only no longer recognizable to people that haven't seen me in a while, I also appear to be terminally ill? Not exactly the result I was shooting for but hey, at least I'm getting skinny right?... Craig

Heaviest:406 | Surgical Weight:366 | Current Weight:290 | Goal Weight:250

on 11/9/11 3:04 pm - PA
RNY on 06/10/13

Hi Craig,

  That is awesome.. You are doing a fantastic job.  Keep up the good work..


(deactivated member)
on 11/9/11 3:14 pm
LOL!  I know what you mean, at church a lady came up to me quietly and whispered, "you are really getting skinny....are you all right?"  The thing is I still am over 180 lbs, there is no way I am "skinny".  But I guess at least someone notices something..LOL!  Good job Craig!!
on 11/9/11 5:26 pm - Houston, TX
Coworker: "OMG Audrey you have lost so much weight are you ok what happened!?!?" this has happened to me as well I just try to take it as a compliment and reassure folks that while they maybe concerned for my health they should be happy cause this is the healthiest I have been in a very long time!!! Congrats!!!
Jeanne T.
on 11/9/11 8:30 pm
I Think it's great for all of you!!!!   What a compliment.  What I have found is that when you lose a lot weight you look a little gaunt until your body readjusts over muscle and bone.  Then it's like everything falls into place and you don't look gaunt anymore. So just keep doing what your doing and congratulations.  I will be joining you on the 30th.

Take Care,
on 11/9/11 9:49 pm - TX
some people just assume rapid weightloss means you are termanally ill.. but not nesacerily that you look like it so keep your head high.  it is an awesome feeling to be told you look so different though keep up the good work
on 11/9/11 10:01 pm - MD
Can't wait to receive such a great compliment!
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