Post-op relationship with food questions

on 11/6/11 11:03 pm - Canada
I'm planning to have my VSG in early December and I'm already mourning the loss of food. Not to mention the anxiety I feel about experiencing the holidays and all the yummy food and being only 2 to 3 weeks post-op.

Here are some questions for the post-ops:

How has your relationship with food changed since your VSG? Do you think it was as a result of the surgery or had you already been in that frame of mind and the surgery just helps to support you?

What new ways have you found to cope with stress and anxiety now that you no longer have food?

My inner demon (the part of me that is always hungry and makes poor food choices) is immature and is going to be really angry about not getting its way after surgery. At least that's what I think is going to happen. Perhaps, the surgeon will remove my demon along with part of my stomach. In the event that that doesn't happen, I want to make sure I'm prepared to fight back. 

on 11/6/11 11:12 pm - Granada Hills, CA
I spent a year pre-op fixing my relationship with food so I cant really say how it goes immediately post op for most people.

For me though, the first 6 weeks, I had no desire or urges to eat, no cravings of any kind. It wasn't difficult at all to keep to a liquid and/or pureed diet. When it hurts if you drink too fast, it kills any desire to put food in your stomach

After that, once eating becomes a part of life again, it comes down to you. don't count on your surgeon to remove any part of your inner demons - he's operating far far away from your head.

Im still not very good at coping with stress and anxiety, but I learned that those emotions will not in fact kill me. So some days, I just have to sit and deal with it. I exercise a lot which helps me relieve a lot of stress, it distracts me, releases endorphins, and burns calories all at the same time - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 11/6/11 11:14 pm
I am having my surgery this Thursday..
I am so over the mouring of food right now. I am starting the clear liquid only today.
I have always said if I just didn't have to have food I could lose the weight . Unlike alcohol or drugs we can't live without food.
As far as for the holiday foods I will NOT be able to have this year. All I can think is what they have done for me in the past .
I normally gain 10-15 pounds between halloween and new years. HAte myself for it and take until may to get it back off. So my attitude is my relationship with food has only gotten me heavier.
Talking to those fater out , by next year I can have a few things that are around at the holidays.
By then I will have lost all this extra weight and maybe I won't want it. I am just so ready to NOT have food rulke over me.
Just my opinion...
  Highest weight 330 - GW 150  
Crystal M.
on 11/7/11 12:00 am, edited 11/7/11 12:00 am - El Paso, TX
I've noticed something funny since surgery. I still have cravings sometimes, but they're mostly for good, healthy foods instead of junk foods. For example, since Day One I've been craving rotisserie chicken and salad. I wouldn't eat a cookie or piece of cake even if it was calorie-free and carb-free.
It's better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not.                

on 11/7/11 12:30 am
 i had surgery last wed and to be honest there is only two foods that i have been craving but i know its only because i cant have them right this second...I REALLY REALLY WANT A SALAD!! i swear its rediculous!
on 11/7/11 12:52 am
I cant speak for vets who are farther out and have had their hunger return but as a 7 week post op sleever i can tell you to this day i still dont want food, i get hungry but a few bites of food and im good.

You mentioned your inner demon who will be mad, what im about to say may offend some but its just the way ive always described it, i named my stomach (pre-op) Bertha, she is a huge mean woman who is much like the plant in "Little Shop of Horrors" she is would punish me when i excersized by "making" me eat an obsurd amount after exscersizing as in "you were doing WHAT???? hahahahaha you were excersizing? oh you burned 600 calories huh? well guess what now you're gonna be craving a whopper so bad all day that no amount of grazing in the house will satisfy you...." i couldnt control myself around food at all. well i know my dr didnt work on my head but he sure as he11 killed Bertha and left in her place this scrawny ***** that only wants meat (and admittedly salty stuff) the kids 3 bowls of candy they brought home has no pull, no attraction or even look slightly appetizing at all. Its amazing!

I dont miss food, and the food i do want but know i shouldnt have,  i sort of sabotage, for instance we were having spaghetti and meatballs and i made this (what i imagined was delicious) garlic crescent rolls, i didnt put one on my plate but i put a piece in the freezer (hang in there i had a plan) and after a couple of bites of my meatball i got the roll out of the freezer broke off the corner and threw the rest away, took a small bite of the roll and you know what? it was cold, hard and gross as heck. now when i think of bread (a former favorite of mine) i remember the bad experience i had with bread.
LOVING life as a LOSER!! 
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