3 years today...
It was Thanksgiving in Canada. Well I wasn't very thankful that day!! But, by the end of it I was in a hospital. FINALLY, after moaning and groaning 4 months post op Dr. Goddard ER Doctor) finally gave me the CT scan I needed.. Abscesses formed and leak flowing. They opened and operated 5 different times, but, my sleeve was pissed and was going to heal on its own. I would say around the year mark or so it was healed. At 18 months out, it was confirmed! It was a hard old road. But with all the positive support and family and friends, I made it through.
That is what I am thankful for today. My sister for kicking my ass to the hospital. I thought it was over!! But, the doc gave me hope and the most amazing Nurse I had, Kim...We're still friends today. I had many nurses, but, she stood above all and made sure everything was right!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie
You are such an inspiration, both for leaky sleevers and for all other sleevers. Thanks for continuing to stick by the boards!
What was your start weight and goal weight & such?
What was your start weight and goal weight & such?
5'5" Goal reached, but fighting regain. Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246 Goal Weight 160 Current Weight 183
Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L
Amazing pictures! You have done an awesome job. I hope that I can still be as successful as you have been. ThANK YOU for taking time to post. I am nearly a year out and very happy. I keep working every day to be healthy. I could not be happier.
Congratulations on the rest of your life being healthy! Live it up!!
Congratulations on the rest of your life being healthy! Live it up!!
did they tell you why they thought the abcesses formed? leaking is the thing that scares me the most! so the way you knew you were leaking was from the pain? were you vomiting too?
you look great, BTW!!! have you had any issues since then?
i have a friend who is an ER nurse and she emails me everytime someone comes in the ER with a bariatric procedure gone wrong SO she has me very paranoid!
you look great, BTW!!! have you had any issues since then?
i have a friend who is an ER nurse and she emails me everytime someone comes in the ER with a bariatric procedure gone wrong SO she has me very paranoid!
Don't listen to your ER nurse friend, she will drive you insane!. You will do A-OK!!!
I had the leak right out of surgery!!!...It's in the surgical reports!!...I'm thinking they would hope it would heal on its own. I dunno!!...But, without complaining, left shoulder pain was the worst. Vomiting, I thought I was just sipping/ eating too fast. I was always on Tylenol, so, I didn't notice fever, often. I haddddddd/have bad-ass GERD/ACID REFLUX now. It was ER admitted bad, a few times. But, finally a smart ER Doctor said, lets dbl up on the GERD meds. Low and behold it has worked, no attacks since last August....No issues since last August. Feeling really good! Thanks for the compliments.
Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie