How to GUARANTEE a stall + 6 mo update & pics (Long as usual)

on 10/7/11 2:39 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
Today is 6 months since I changed my life.  At almost exactly this time of day, I put my life and future in the competent hands of Dr. Alvarez and it has proven to be a great decision.  I had an uncomplicated surgery and recovery.  Although my weight loss has been slow by some standards (76 lbs and 38 inches), I am very happy with it.  I'm 50 years old and have fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroidism.  Exercise for me has been sporadic and is going to be my focus in the next 6 months.  As my idol, Scarlett O'Hara said "Tomorrow is another day"......

In the last 2-3 weeks, I've slacked off and as a result, I have not lost any weight.  This is the first time since surgery that I haven't lost SOMETHING.  It's all my fault and I accept that responsibility.  But for the rest of you, here's some free advice........

FOR YOU NOOBS OUT THERE----(or as a reminder to us that are not such noobs) If you want to be SURE to stall your weight loss, make some of the mistakes I have so far (but which I am working on to rectify).  Here are my TOP 10 WAYS TO GUARANTEE A STALL:
1.  Quit doing your protein shakes.  For me, I got to where they gagged me.  I tried them all and they were all gross.  After about 5 months, I thought I could get all my protein in with food.  Lots of people do.  I just couldn't seem to get the 75 - 80 that I needed without at least one protein shake a day.  As my protein intake slowly dropped to below 70 GM a day, my hair loss increased and my weight loss slowed.
2.  Eat sugar free chocolate.  When I was doing one chocolate protein shake a day mixed with skim milk, I NEVER craved sweets or carbs.  Once I quit the protein shakes, I began to crave chocolate.  So I thought, hey, dark chocolate in small amounts is healthy and sugar free should be even better.  So I bought those little Hershey's miniatures in small bags that were extra dark chocolate and sugar free.  That was fine as long as I kept it to one miniature a day.  However, that bag of remaining pieces began to whisper to me and before I knew it, I was up to 6 - 9 pieces a day.  The carb cravings were creeping back in.
3.  Don't exercise:  I did a C25K at about 2 months out and started walking.  Then at month 4, I began having fibro flares during a really stressful time at work and busy time in my personal life.  My exercise routine came to a screeching halt.  Weight loss slowed down and I think I have lost muscle too.
4.  Slack off on logging your food/water intake:  For the first 5 months, I was very diligent about logging my food/water intake on myfitnesspal.  In the last month, I haven't' been doing well at all and when I do, I realize that I am taking in too many cals, not enough protein, etc.
5.  Don't get in all your fluids and or take in a lot of artificial sweeteners:  Before my VSG, I was addicted to McDonald's sweet tea.  It was my crack.  So after VSG, I stuck to water, Crystal Lite, unsweetened tea or coffee with skim milk.  In about the last month, I have started using a lot of Splenda or Equal in my tea.  I think this (along with #2) caused my carb cravings.
6.  Be sleep deprived:  As I said in #3, this last 1 - 2 months has been a challenge both professionally and personally.  I have not been getting enough sleep and have been very stressed.  I've been seeing midnight on a frequent basis and getting up by 6.  For some people, that's plenty.  With my fibro/CF, I need more to recharge my batteries.
7.  Graze:  I haven't really done much of this but have noticed that I skip meals and eat on the run alot.  I'll grab a cheese stick and then eat almonds in the car followed by a few bites of beef jerky.  I end up eating more than I intend and take in way too much salt which leads to water retention.
8.  Eat LOTS of nuts:  Because of the stresses of the last couple of months and a very hectic schedule, I have been relying on things that I can grab quickly.  Nuts are great for me since they are a good protein source.  HOWEVER......they are also high in carbs, calories and salt.  Don't get me wrong.... a few unsalted almonds or Emerald's Dark Cocoa Almonds are great for the occasional snack or if you are craving no-no foods that are sweet, salty or crunchy.  But daily doses of nuts can sabotage your weight loss.  And peanut butter...........stay away!!
9.  Eat until you are full:  Frisco, one of my weight loss heroes, says to never eat til you are full.  Eat your measured amount then stop.  All I can say is ditto, ditto, ditto.
10.  Get ****y:    When you think, "hey, I got this weight loss thing down!".......WATCH OUT!  If you ain't at goal, stay VERY diligent.  Then once you get to goal, still stay diligent but not obsessive.

Now for the Pics:

This is me and my beautiful "Sleeve Sister"  Holly on the day we left the hospital after having our VSGs.

Me with Dr. Alvarez and Dr. Gabe just before leaving the hospital.

I HATE pics taken in the mirror but have been to busy to do otherwise.  Here's me last week:

And these are some adorable pics of Gus the Wonderdog:

Tired puppy after helping Mommy mow the grass, had a bath, got a mani-ped, had teeth brushed, ears cleaned and chased the neighbor's cat.  What a full day!

Gus and his fav teddy bear waiting for Daddy to get out of the shower

Gus this past Saturday at my Grandson's soccer game.  He was into the action.
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
on 10/7/11 3:07 am
Looking good, going to save your post and look at it on my rough days.
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 10/7/11 3:11 am

I am bookmarking this post.  Thank you!  You hit on several things I need to remember!

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 10/7/11 3:11 am
First off, you look great!  What a difference!

Second, your what not to do post is really a good thing to read.  Its helpful to hear the voice of experience, especially from the perspective you bring!  Thanks for having the courage to put it out there!

And I love your doggie pics!  What a big ole sweetie he looks like!

5'9" All weight lost post-op. Goal weight determined by body composition testing.

on 10/7/11 3:12 am - MN
You look wonderful and it so nice to put a face to someone I've come to know as a wonderful person and good friend! Words of great advice my friend!! I fell off the wagon so hard this past weekend I probably bruised my ass! I'm putting it down to stress eating, and with all the stuff going on right now I need to be strict and stay on plan!!

I really adore Gus and live for your Gus stories! I think we should have a Beagle/Tubes of Terror and Gus exchange program. While I'm on the phone with my Sister this morning...very upset... I look out my deck door to see the crazy hounds rolled over on their backs doing the Snoopy dance and loving just being alive in the sunshine. What would we do without our fur babies, eh??

Have a wonderful day!!! Hugs,
  Age 49 Height 5'5" HW/280 SW/250 CW/157  
Behind every success is effort...Behind every effort is passion...Behind every passion is someone with the courage to try.
on 10/7/11 4:00 pm
great advice! thanks for sharing!
(deactivated member)
on 10/8/11 1:17 am
VSG on 01/10/12
 These are great tips!  Thanks for sharing.  :) 

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