Day 3, Post VSG

on 9/29/11 7:35 am - Mississauga, Canada
Well I'm back in San diego.  Mexicali was interesting and the hospital was top notch.  I can't say enough about Dr Aceves and his team.  They took time to explain things and this was especially important for me since I had a prior fundoplication.  That made the surgery longer and more difficult.  I was under for 4 hours 10 minutes.  But I feel quite well, no nausea.  Just a bit sore.  Kind of feels like a lump is in my stomach.  But I'm getting the fluids down pretty well, I think.  Just finished the broth from some chicken soup.  Had to be 4 or 5 oz.  Might have eaten too quickly, but no problems so far.  I met 2 great "sleeve" buddies.  Thanks to Gary and Kristal, I actually had some fun during this adventure.  I'm feeling a bit weak but sleep comes easily.  Can even sleep on both sides, although the right is more comfortable.  Will head home to Toronto the day after tomorrow.  Cheers!
                                     GRAVITY SUCKS  
          LEAD, FOLLOW, or GET OUT OF THE WAY !     
on 9/29/11 8:21 am
Glad to hear you're doing so well! 

I'm post op day three too, although from Cleveland, not Mexicali.  I've read lots of good things about Dr. Aceves; happy your experience was in line with that.  I just got discharged today...its nice to be back home.  And you are braver than me, sleeping on your side!  Are you allowed to lay down flat?  I also had a hernia repair and lymph node removal, so I am feeling a bit more pain than I otherwise would I think.  Hopefully I'll get back to side sleeping soon, since it is so much more natural for me!
Jennifer S.
on 9/29/11 9:33 am
I am 7 days out today and started sleeping on my side on day 5.  It seems to be like flipping a light switch... one day it hurt, the next night it didn't!  I've also seen others use pillows to support themselves so they could sleep side-lying. 

Good luck to you!

Age: 33 | Height: 5'10" | HW: 357 | SW: 321 | GW: 170 
on 9/29/11 1:40 pm - Mississauga, Canada
They said I could sleep on my side from day 1.  I'm a bit breathless on the left side but my CPAP rams the air in, so I can manage it.  Never was a back or stomach sleeper.  Wish I was home like you...nothing like your own bed.  Be well, the loser's bench is going to be a great place for us.  Cheers!
                                     GRAVITY SUCKS  
          LEAD, FOLLOW, or GET OUT OF THE WAY !     
on 9/29/11 8:38 am
Welcome to the losers bench guys! This is day 4 for me.  I can't lay on my side without pain.  I had no additional procedures.  I will be soooooooooo glad when I can lay on my side and turn as normal.  I usually bounce back quickly but the largest incision is painful when I move certain ways. Are you getting 64ounces.  I am not sure I am though I am sipping seemingly all day. I know I am not getting in protein. One thing that was right...........walking does wonders!  Be blessed and safe travels back to Canada.
  I like calling North Carolina home!!!  Go Tarheels!  

on 9/29/11 12:27 pm
Soooooooooooooo thrilled that you are on your way to getting you life back. Keep us posted. You will do so well.

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