and the SIGN READ..........

on 9/20/11 4:52 am - AR
                              *!*!*!* WELCOME TO TWODERVILLE*!*!*!
                         (I started this journey at 377, today I am 296)

*Weight Limit: 299-200 
*You can only stay here a maximun of 3-4 months. 
*Don't get too comfortable, you're still FAT. 
*No grazing, complaining, or asking stupid questions (i.e. If I eat 2 slices of pizza, will I stretch my sleeve?) 
* Move around as much as possible, any movement is better than NONE at all! 
* Live with NO regrets, even if you're at 299, you're probably smaller than you've ever been even if you're bigger than others who started this journey at a much lower weight. 

Disclaimer: It feels good to have finally moved to TWODERVILLE, but my ultimate goal is to set up camp in ONEDERLAND!!! 


     *Never Let a Dark Past, Cloud a Bright Future*

Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel: XxFemTationxX
on 9/20/11 4:55 am - NJ
 You are doing so well and have such a great attitude! Congrats!

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 9/20/11 5:02 am - AR
Thank you so much!!! I appreciate the compliment!! 

Disclaimer: The you're "still fat" comment is me talking to myself...before the anti-word police comes after me! 

     *Never Let a Dark Past, Cloud a Bright Future*

Subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel: XxFemTationxX
on 9/20/11 5:04 am - NJ
 LOL I won't be the one to come after you, I am constantly saying that about myself! 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 9/20/11 5:11 am
 Congrats and keep up the great work! I started at 323 and I read all the posts about people getting to onederland and felt like I would never get there because I always compared myself to everyone else in the beginning and felt like I wasn't being successful because everyone was reaching their goal weight (it seemed) so fast. Even when I hit 100 pounds lost I wasn't anywhere near goal and couldn't appreciate my accomplishment. Finally now I can look back and realize how far I've come. I wish I had your attitude in the beginning - what a positive journey I could have had and you ARE having. If I could wish one thing for everyone is to have your attitude! This is not the smallest I've ever been in my adult life but it is the smallest I've been in 20 years! Plus I figured out today that I have, in ten months, lost 70% of my excess weight and I'm still working it! Again, keep up the great work - I'm so happy for you!
Consult Weight-323 / SW- 312 / CW-173/ GW-155
Starting BMI: 65.2 Current BMI: 34.9
(deactivated member)
on 9/20/11 5:12 am
Love this post!! I started in Threeville also - have been in twoderville longer than 3-4 months but aim to be out by Christmas

Great attitude!
on 9/20/11 5:16 am - Beverly Hills, CA
I love it!  Continued success
Be Blessed            
Kayla M.
on 9/20/11 5:46 am
Congrats!!! That is amazing! You and I will hit Onderland at around the same time (I hope!)
We can do it!
SleeveRockn Chic
on 9/20/11 5:47 am
 Great postYou are doing awesome.  Continue rocking your sleeve like you are and you will be in Onederland soon enough.  We had close starting weights so you are an inspiration to me and I can't wait to hit my first goal of Twoderville.  Kerry 

LilySlim Weight loss tickers  
 HW: 365lbs.  SW:353  CW:182.4  GW:160 lbs.
Goal 1: Get under 300 (Reached as of 11/15/2011 299.4 Baby) 
Goal 2- Get under 200 (Reached as of 08/29/2012 199.2 Baby) 
Goal 3- Get to 160

on 9/20/11 6:03 am
Love your post... it's relevant to all of us, really! 

Congrats on your progress so far, you must feel AMAZING!! 
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