Check in April 2011 Sleevers!!

Mandi E.
on 9/14/11 9:01 am - Kissimmee, FL
Great job!!! It's a beautiful thing! I just wish I had done it when I was smaller..but shouda coulda woulda... 
"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it!" ~Marilyn Monroe
 HW:422LBs Pre-op:394LBs SW:391.6LBs CW:303LBs GW:190LBs (5'10")
on 9/14/11 9:57 am
Hi April Sleevers, I am having a tough time this week. I have been on a plateau for the past 2.5 weeks and this week I was craving ice cream. I went and bought a cup full and ate it yesterday evening, and I spent the rest of the evening paying for it. I had been jogging every other day, but have not the last 5 days. I am not sure why I am having such a difficult time now, this is the first time since getting sleeved that I feel that I am struggling. Is this normal? Is there a such thing as a VSG struggle phase?
on 9/14/11 9:55 am
Way to go everyone! I'm down 95 lbs and stalled...right before the Century Club, of course!

Bought my first size large shirt Monday.

Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22

175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012

on 9/14/11 10:50 am - GA
Hey Girl your doing it Big over there. I'm down 238 from my highest  and 149 since surgery. Glad to see your doing good
on 9/14/11 12:18 pm
I'm doing great!  Definetly happy that I'm sleeved :)  I still get hunger, but that is ok :)

I no longer fit in the clothes I was wearing at surgery time.  Fortunately I have a batch of cute clothes that I fit in for about 2 minutes after a big weightloss a few years ago.  They were tight on me back then, but fit me nicely now :)  It will be SUPER exiting when those clothes are way too big for me!!!!  It is so exciting to currently be at my "lowest adult weight" and still be losing!!

I know some people say that "surgery isn't the easy way out", but so far, that isn't how I feel.  To me, this is much easier and rewarding than all of my previous dieting attempts over the last 27 years!!!  I think the hardest part of this whole process for me was the mental struggles I went through while going through a binge eating program last year.  It was a great program though, and it helped me deal with my eating issues BEFORE having surgery.

CW: 130ish HW: 264 SW:254 Hgt: 5'2

Goals-Dr:159-MET Mine:140-MET!!! Final Goal: 135-MET!!!!!

W4:-22 W8:-11 W12:-10.5 W16:-12 W20:-11.5 W24:-9.5 W28:-8 W32:-7.5 W36:-8 W40:-7.5 W44:-5 W48: -4.5 1Yr/W52: -7

on 9/14/11 12:30 pm
VSG on 04/12/11 with
 I LOVE my sleeve.  The honeymoon is definetly over though... my weight loss has slowed and I have to be very structured with my eating (which is fine, I knew it was a lifestyle change).  I box and train 5 days a week and love that I'm actually able to do a burpy/push-up/run 5 km... just generally being physically active... it's my biggest NSV. 

I was lucky and didn't lose any of my hair.  I've religiously eaten over a 100 grams of protein a day, kept my carbs under 40 and calories between 750-900.  I do allow myself a cheat day every two weeks, where I eat what ever junky food I feel like.  It is a bit of a sanity keeper and after my day of pigging out I really want to get back on track because it doesn't feel good.  Lately my cheat days are more about cheese and fruit than ice cream and junk food. 

July was a really hard month for me, I had to deal with my emotional eating tendencies.  I broke up with my boyfriend and immediately wanted to turn to food for comfort.  I see a therapist regularly to work through issues as they come up.  You can guarentee that they will because for a lot of us food has been a coping/numbing machanism and it's scary when it's not available like that.  (Well I guess it is but I have no desire to EVER live that way again)

Most importantly I feel vibrant, sparkly and alive.

Glad to see all the other April sleevers are doing so well too!  
I'm 5'10"  -   HW 264 lbs  -  lost 9lbs pre-op diet -  SW 255 lbs  
on 9/14/11 12:54 pm - MI
I am down 59 lbs since surgery. Went thru a slower loss period when I was eating more fresh veggies and less protein, but I've gotten back on track and doing ok. Still wearing the clothes I wore last year at this time when I was down some but they are mostly very baggy. I've made a few purchases from Goodwill and have found that sizes vary alot from brand to brand. Some I can wear comfortably and some are rather tight. Waiting patiently to break out the clothes I have packed away from a thinner era.
on 9/14/11 11:38 pm - CA
I feel great. Still have lots of restriction.

I am down from a size 20 pants to a size 8 just this week. My feet are sore as I have recently logged 9 miles in under 2 hrs.  I am training for the half marathon 13.1 miles in November. We walk every Sunday and each week we are increasing the mileage to get us ready for the big day. 
I have also lost almost a whole shoe size.

I love Mr. Hanky aka my sleeve
Mandi E.
on 9/15/11 3:02 am - Kissimmee, FL
I'm so happy to see that we're all doing so well! Keep up the good work Sleevers!! :D  
"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it!" ~Marilyn Monroe
 HW:422LBs Pre-op:394LBs SW:391.6LBs CW:303LBs GW:190LBs (5'10")
on 9/15/11 5:48 am
I am down 92 pounds and feeling great.  Yes clothes are a big issue, but I have friends loaning me some and clearance racks and second hand stores.....
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