Has anyone found after surgery that your immune system is compromised?
Have you been to a hematologist? They specialize in blood and may be able to help you and take a look at your vitamin regime to see if you're getting eveything you need and see if there are any underlying blood disorders causing all of this.
I would also start asking your specialists for a referral for an internist they would recommend to help coordinate all of your doctors. Don't go to just anyone. Start asking the doctors you meet who they recommend. Ask your bariatric surgeon which ones have experiece with bariatric patients. Doctors know who the other good doctors are. Unfortunately some are good and some not so good.
Good luck!
Please keep us informed, we are here for you when you need us.
Ms Shell
Most of the things your describing (including depression) are clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism. Have you been to an endocrinologist or had a full thyroid panel run with antibodies? PCP's tend to follow the old recommendations for medicating for hypothyroidism whereas endocrinologist use the more up-to-date reference ranges which cut off the 'normal' range for TSH at 3 rather than 5. A simple TSH test is not enough, though. Endo's run Free t4, antibodies, etc.
I am a nurse, gastric bypass pt., and a cancer pt. It has been proven at the large teaching hospital where I work that the cancer was caused by a depressed immune system that showed up 3 years out from my surgery. None of the doctors knew why. In 2010 I am diagnosed with
Lymphoma. Doctors wouldn't listen when I kept saying this was caused from a vitamin deficiency which occured from gastric bypass surgery.
It has now been proven five years later and documented lab values drawn every two months. This one vitamin controls my immune system
and this happens to every bypass pt. I am shocked the number of pts. that come through our hospital with history of past bypass surgery
and either are not on any supplements or may 6 years out still taking a fred flintstone chewable vitamin. The results can be fatal.
Soon I will be starting a website to instruct other bypass pts. how to improve their quality of life on a long term basis and avoid, iron transfusions, bone loss, etc. A lot of hospitals do not have long term bariatric clinics. Even those hospitals that do are not always
up to date. My cancer has changed a lot of the teachings of our bariatric clinic and I still see room for improvement. One of the biggests problems with loss of teeth, curvature of the spine, cannot be corrected if left untreated. Watch for my website coming soon. The Road
To Wellness. I can turn your life around as I have myself. Due to my discovery, our oncology clinic is now treating other lymphoma pts.
with high doses of this vitamin.