Weird 1st day back to work

on 8/31/11 1:18 pm - CA
 SO today was my first day back to work and I didn't wanna go after having 6 weeks off from  But since I can't support myself without this job I forced myself to go. Before I left work for my LOA I had lost 20lbs  for my surgery. The 20lbs wasn't to noticable since I weighed 323 lbs. Well today I weighed in at 269lbs going into work and can't believe hardly anyone said 1 word about me looking different. I even was wearing a smaller size scrubs to work. I honeslty didn't want lots of comments because I am the type of person that doesn't like a lot of attention drawn to me, but really....    One girl said you ahve lost a lot of weight and a few others but nobody else did. I did share with the people I work with most that I had surgery just to help me out in the long run. Oh well....I felt good and I guess that is all that matters.  =)
      Leslie Nunes              
on 8/31/11 1:27 pm - Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis
this exact thing comes up often and it may be a combination of a few things-

some people may think its rude to comment on your weight..they surely have noticed but dont want to overstep their work boundaries

some people are jealous when others lose weight and wish they can achieve the same and dont want to compliment you because of jealousy

some people dont notice the weight loss until it gets alot more pronounced..even another 20lbs can really make the difference in looking a bit smaller and it really being noticeable

dont take any of it to heart, just keep doing what you are doing!

                       HW: 258lbs  SW: 240   CW: 140  I am 5 foot 7 and 30 years old               
                 VSG 12/21/10  Plastics: Tummy tuck, breast lift, and augmentation 11/3/11
                                             Soon to be veterinarian!! xoxo

on 8/31/11 1:40 pm - CA
 Thanks Sassy Italian....=) You are probably right about things....Just was a weird moment for me when seeing everyone.  Everyone did say I looked real   I was thinking....of course I am happy ...I just did the best thing I could have ever done for myself (VSG) and I haven't had to be here (work) for 6 weeks....U better believe I'm happy!!!  lol
      Leslie Nunes              
on 8/31/11 1:48 pm

I have been off work for about 4 months - I had some bad complications and spent a few months in the hosptital. Good news is that my sleeve has been wotking in overtime and I have lost about 120lbs.

I go back to work on Tuesday the 6th - I am sure that my co-workers/geeks/nerds will notice 120 pounds missing. I didn't tell anyone at work that I was having the surgery so I am wondering what kind of comments I'll get. I suppose I will tell them that I ordered a Tapeworm off the internet and he's doing a fine job.

After 6 weeks off most people will still have a set image of you in their minds; I am sure a lot of them noticed, but like Sassy said - they might have been uncomfortable approaching you.

Congrats on your loss!

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 8/31/11 2:29 pm
   Bwaahaahaa about the tapeworm doing a fine job!  I am totally using that one, I can't wait!  
HW 263, 3lbs lost prior to surgery,  weight loss ticker is since surgery.
on 8/31/11 1:53 pm - CA
WOW.....120 lbs...that is awesome!!!  SOrry to hear it involved having complications. Ya...people for sure will notice that on u =) That is a lot of weight to lose in 4 months. I hope your doing better and your out of the woods with complications....=)  4 months off work would be nice minus the complications of course!!   
      Leslie Nunes              
on 8/31/11 2:05 pm
Oh yeah! 4 months of real time off would have been awesome.
- too bad 3 months of it were in the hospital. I am actually looking forward to the day job. My STD (that would be Short Term Disability ;) paid me 70% of my salary....But I need some new clothes!!!
Take care,


VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

Cristina S.
on 8/31/11 9:53 pm - New Britain, CT
Only one person has said something at work. He asked if I lost weight and I was like yes. And he said oh because I notice your moving around more and not struggling as much. It was kind of embarrassing since I am 25 and this is coming from a men at least in his 60's-70's. I didn't think I had mobility problems but i guess my movements are more "fluid". I know he didn't mean it to be mean. My family has said stuff though especially my mom. I think people maybe feel uncomfortable talking about weight and looks in the workplace, Especially because sometimes when people say you look great it can feel like "Oh what did I look like sh** before?"
on 8/31/11 10:36 pm
 I find that people some times don't think it's nice to comment and others it sometimes just takes a few days for them to notice. :)

VGS Date: 8/15/11    
Age: 34 | Ht: 5' 11" | HW: 380 | Pre-op: 363 | SW: 300 | CW: 199.3 | GW: 190 
on 8/31/11 11:13 pm - Calgary , Canada
Hi there: 

Just my thoughts on this.  I've noticed in the past when I have lost weight the people I was around on a daily don't really notice anything for a while.   I lost 60 lbs at one point and no one noticed until someone who hadn't seen me for a couple years said something and then it was like the light bulbs went off.  I was a lot smaller then it was really noticable. 

Also, I suspect people don't want to say anything until they are really sure.  I mean how often have you been asked, "You look great, Have you lost weight?"  when you hadn't?  It's kind of like asking someone when the baby is due when they aren't pregnant.  AWKWARD.

Keep on loosing.  As you start to really feel and look amazing people will take notice.

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