
on 8/26/11 3:24 am - Flint, MI
OK today I'm not having a good day, I woke up to my clothes wither being too big or too small Ughhh but I just dint feel like myself today. We were told prior to surgery that due to the rapid weight loss there would be a rapid release of hormones that have been stored up so I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced mood swings since your surgery? I know I'm feeling some kind of way when I'm irritated with my boyfriend that hardly ever happens.......

Mood: questionable Ughhhh
Dawnie 88
on 8/26/11 3:30 am
hello fellow michigander!!   Yes..i definitely had some very emotional days..all very normal!


on 8/26/11 3:47 am - Flint, MI
Hello Dawnie, well Im glad to know its a normal thing!!!!
on 8/26/11 3:49 am - Houston, TX
I was also very emotional in the beginning. I dont cry watching movies often but I decided to watch The Lord of the Rings when it came out with the stupid special edition thing and found myself crying like 3 or 4 times through the movie. Really strange but realized why and did not feel so silly.
on 8/26/11 4:03 am - Flint, MI
Justeric Ive been doing the crying thing since I hit the 30+ club LoL  but today I feel more like just leave me the hell alone I dont feel like being bothered just gotta real chip on my shoulder for no reason!! Oh well I guess the important thing is that I recognize it Im sure once the work day is done and Im able to enjoy the sunshine I'll get back to being my old self....I hope
on 8/26/11 4:28 am - Saudi Arabia
Okay let me just tell you my crazy emaotional story. I have shared it before but I still laugh at myself and I think you will see why. About a month after my surgery I was just having a bad time. I was so down and I did not know why and I was just crying about everything. Well one day I woke up and I was GRIEVING steak....I was like " I will never have steak again, what have I done?!!! So I cry about this all day and then I call me friend back in the States. I am telling her what a terrible decision I have made and that I will never have a steak again. What have I done? So since she is a counselor as well as my best friend, she listened patiently and just let me get it all out. This she very sweetly said " I am so sorry that you are feeling down and I feel that this is a result of the surgery and it will pass." Then she nicely adds, " but you do realize that you do not eat beef and you havent in years!!!!!"  
So dont worry about the emotional feelings....they will level out and also dont worry if you find yourself crying over a steak when you dont even eat beef

HW 213, SW 187, GW 125 VSG 11/19/2010 BS 32 
on 8/26/11 8:19 am
Ha Ha!  Too funny!  I had a moment like that a few years ago when I got pregnant with my daughter and realised that I wouldn't be able to go windsurfing for a year or so.  I was crying over it and my husband pointed out that in general I hate things like windsurfing!!
on 8/28/11 10:54 am - Flint, MI
Newmeki lMBO that was too funny....Thanks for sharing that with me I do eat red meat but nit very much steak so hopefully I wont wake up one day and mourn it  But thankfully it was only one day Ive been back to my old self
Kristy R.
on 8/26/11 5:36 am - Santa Clara, CA
 I don't get it..?  We can eat steak, in fact - it's a very good source of protein and I eat it often.  In fact, technically, most of us can eat anything - we should just chose not to.  Anyway - back to the topic on hand - I was a savage wreck for a couple of months.  I am very even keeled normally and my husband was ready to take cover.  Totally normal.  I have been pretty settled for a while now, almost 5 months out.  
~Kristy~ VSG 3/29/11 ~ 15 pounds lost pre-op, SW - 240/GW - 150
on 8/26/11 12:41 pm - Saudi Arabia
Hi Kristy,
You are so right. Steak is a great source of protein if you are a beefeater, which I am not. My point was that I was crying over something that I do not even eat. Emotions were just out of control! Thankfully it does pass though I noticed that after my first stall when the weight loss begin again, there was another emotional flood but it just did not last as long. I am glad that that part is over. Will be glad when my hair gets back to its old consistency.

HW 213, SW 187, GW 125 VSG 11/19/2010 BS 32 
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