NSVs and even a couple of downsides to WL

on 8/12/11 3:39 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
I've had several NSVs over the last 4 months but just recently had a couple that I'd like to share. 

But first, a couple of things that are not really "negative" but aren't really "victories" either:
1.  Gus the Wonderdog weighs 170 lbs and sleeps with my husband and I every night.  Gus is quite the snuggler and has to be touching us both (not hard since he is so big).  He likes to stretch out length wise up next to me and have his feet on my husband.  Many times, since I am a side/belly sleeper, Gus will actually be partially laying on me.  That's getting to be an issue since I am getting smaller.  The other night he  couldn't sleep because he had the hiccups.  He crawled up on top of me (I was on my stomach) and sprawled across me.  Now I know he was uncomfortable but he had me buried!  I had to tap him on the snout to let me up before I suffocated!  Don't know what I'll do once he outweighs me.

2.  Gus also has this tendency to lean against you when you are standing by him.  It's common to his breed.  The other day he leaned and I wasn't quite planted.  I went over backwards and Gus just looked at me like "you dummy" before he pounced on me to sniff and lick me to death.  That's the first time, he's knocked me off my feet.

3.  The other day my husband and I were going across the field in the Ranger (it's a Polaris 4x4 like a gator or other utility vehicle).  He hit a bump and I literally bounced out of the seat and almost out of the vehicle.  I was hanging on for dear life.  He thought it was hilarious once he realized I was ok.

4.  I think I might've developed gout with all the meat/cheese eating and weight loss.

5.  I miss bread  .  But the few times I've tried a bite, it doesn't taste good and it hurts my tummy.  Also, bread was one of the things that got me to a morbidly obese state.

Now for the NSVs:
1.  I caused quite a stir in a Kohl's dressing room the other day.  I took some gift cards from my birthday and went shopping.  I tried on a Bali 38 DDD bra and IT FIT!!!  I had been wearing a 40 I bra before surgery and had to order them on the internet.  Now, I can't wear ALL 38 DDD bras because the cups are too small but this particular one fit.  I bought it in 3 sizes.  I HAD to buy the one I tried on because I got mascara on it.  I took that bra off, looked at it, then burst into tears.  I sat down in the floor of the dressing room, buried my face in that bra and bawled like a baby.  Hence, mascara+ tears + face-in-bra = I had to buy it.  The lady in the next room heard me and knocked on the door.  There I sat, naked from the waist up, mascara running down my face in a perfect Alice Cooper imitation , with a bra wadded up in my fists.  I must've scared the woman cause she ran and got the sales lady.  Both stood there and looked at me like I might start spitting pea soup and spin my head around while levitating any minute.  I finally stopped blubbering long enough to explain and cover myself.  They were really nice and understood then.   At least they acted like they did.  They didn't want to rile up the crazy lady.

2.  Last week I went to a formal banquet and wore a Teal silk, beaded sheath dress sized 16 and rocked it!

3.  I can wear high heels again.  Don't like it but I can do it.

4.  My pantie hose are no longer "Queens"  At least when I wear the cursed things.

5.  I can comfortably cross my legs!

6.  People do double takes when I see them now.  Sometimes they don't know me unless I speak to them.

7.  Wasn't recognized by my ex husband (see yesterday's post).

8.  Got to change the settings on my CPAP machine!

9.  Don't have to wear Granny Panties anymore!

10.  Can ride a bicycle without my butt looking like an exploded can of Pillsbury biscuits on the bicycle seat.

11.  Can enjoy jumping my husband's bones again

12.  I can now shop in "regular" sizes that start with a "1" instead of a "2".
13.  I can carry my lunch, bowls, condiments, silverware and all in a sandwich baggie. 

14.  When my grandchildren hug me, they can put their little arms all the way around me.

15.  I can go roller skating.  In fact, I did go.  It mortified my 12 and 14 yo grand-daughters and my 9 yo grandson.  They hang out at the rink with their friends and when their 50 yo MaiMai was skating around, they were speechless and threatened to disown me until their friends thought I was cool!!!  I didn't skate long,....just a few laps to show that I still could but I rocked that too!

16.  I actually got whistled at the other day! 

17.  I have ankles again!

18  My back doesn't hurt nearly as much since I am not carrying around massively bodacious Tatas. 

19.  I can easily trim and paint my toenails.   Before I couldn't even SEE my toes.

20.  I can run now if I need to (found this out the other day when I went to pick up a limb out of the yard that turned out to be a 5 foot chicken snake.)  I can also bend over easier to clean off my legs or pick up poop (see above info re:  snake.

I still have a long way to go but for anyone on the fence about this procedure, I say run, don't walk to your surgeon and do it NOW!
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
on 8/12/11 3:50 am - Ballston Lake, NY
Awesome post...so funny too...and I can relate to a lot of it....LOL..
Thanks for sharing!

Alain Polynice Arm Lift & Revision BL 4/15/15

Alain Polynice Hernia Repair, Revision TT, Lipo Flanks 5/28/14

Dr. Lee Gallbladder Removal 5/28/14

Francisco Sauceda  TT & BL  6/3/13

Mitchell Roslin VSG 5/12/11


(deactivated member)
on 8/12/11 4:00 am
"Gus also has this tendency to lean against you when you are standing by him."
Kinda like a small horse, isn't he?!? 

Great post and NSV's (well, maybe not the possible gout).. & I do so understand you about the snake. Parents have nice big thick black rat snakes by their house.. no, it's not a hose.. hoses don't move. I like snakes though, but have been surprised a couple times.

on 8/12/11 4:07 am - CA
Your doggy makes me giggle.  I love all of your NSVs!!  The joys of roller skating... it might be time for me to try it out too...
on 8/12/11 4:30 am - MN
As usual, my friend, you had me laughing with your Gus and mascara stories. I'd have more sympathy, but I have to share the bed with not one, but two Beagles. I know mass wise even the 2 of them don't weigh as much as Gus, but I contend with 8 paws...I just know somehow it equals out.
I am so very very happy for your wonderful NSV's! Doesn't it feel great just to be alive some days??

I wish we lived closer...think of the play date Gus, Bazil, and Sherlock could have. I love play dates...it means they get so exausted, they are too tired to bay at anything!

Thanks for a wonderful post!
  Age 49 Height 5'5" HW/280 SW/250 CW/157  
Behind every success is effort...Behind every effort is passion...Behind every passion is someone with the courage to try.
on 8/12/11 5:06 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
I don't know about your beagles but Gus has stinky feet.  His feet smell like stale Fritos and he has claws like a mountain lion.  Despite the suffocation, I most certainly get the better end of the deal (or dog).

I would love it if Gus would participate in play dates but he is anti-social when it comes to other dogs.  I socialized him early with other dogs of all sizes but he had a traumatic experience iwth a 7 pound schnoodle during his first year that kinda scarred him for life.  To this day, he is scaird to death of small dogs.  After suffering schnoodle abuse, he has been turned off by doggie play.  Although beagles are bigger than the little ankle biters that frighten Gus, he probably wouldn't associate with them.  He won't socialize with our neighbors Dobie or Shepherd mix.    I think he really believes he is a people and he just doesn't know how to relate to other dogs.  I've had him since he was 7 weeks old so he has lived in a "pack" of humans his whole life.

Gus tries to play with our neighbors cows (mostly he barks at them and runs back and forth in front of the fence) or my MILs farm cats (mostly he chases them until they take a stand and then he just looks dumbfounded).  Gus recently tried to make friends with my daughter's Pugs but they just snubbed him.   Her other dog, a French bulldog, bullied him until he hid behind the couch.   He's such a goof.
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
on 8/12/11 7:12 am - TX
You are so funny... I love this post and am sitting at my deslk laughing and my co-workers are staring at me. I dont care, feels so good to laugh. I have a Border Collie named Lucy and she is most definately my furry daughter. She makes me laugh all the time. You are great and I enjoyed this so much.
Thank you:)
on 8/12/11 4:49 am - LA
  I am laughing my head off right now! This is both funny and inspiring! Thanks I needed a good laugh.
on 8/12/11 6:03 am
Is Gus a great dane?  He sounds a lot like our dogs...we have two great danes.
CW: 255 SW: 234 
on 8/12/11 7:01 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
No...Gus is an English Mastiff.  He's puny for his breed at 165-170.  He should be more than 185.  However, both his parents were on the smaller, leaner end for the breed specs.  Plus, he was neutered at 6 mo which may have stunted his growth.
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
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