Ex husband NSV

on 8/11/11 2:24 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
This past Monday, I took a day off work to help my daughter and her 4 kids move.  Unfortunately, my ex-husband decided to come help too after he got off work.  We've been divorced for 25 years and now only see each other at family events (funerals, weddings, grandchildren's birthdays, etc.).  I hadn't seen him since my surgery since he chose not to come to the last 3 grandchildren's birthday parties.

So.....I was standing in my daughter's new house when the Ex came in.  I didn't speak to him (I only speak to him if spoken to cause I despise the perverted weasel).  I went about my business and he went about his.  After he left, I was unpacking boxes when my daughter came in laughing.  She said, "Mom, Dad asked me which one of my friends you were.  He said your voice sounded familiar but couldn't place you.  He wanted to know if I could hook him up!"  The ex is remarried but I see some things never change.)  My daugter said, "You should've seen his face when I said, 'Dad, that's Mom'."  She thought it was great and so did I!

Granted it was a long time ago but this man met me the first time when I was 14 years old and weighed about 110 lbs.  The most I weighed when we were married and I wasn't pregnant was 150.  What a dumbass....my voice sounded familiar.....paleeeze. Still, it made me feel good that the man that fathered my 3 kids didn't recognize me!  I've had people do double takes but this was a new one!
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
on 8/11/11 2:29 am
 OH how funny - that is classic - I would have loved to be a fly on the wall.  Good for you.  
(deactivated member)
on 8/11/11 2:38 am - Newnan, GA
VSG on 05/04/09 with
That's funny!

My husband (of 13 years, we have been together for nearly 20) will STILL not recognize me if I show up somewhere he isnt expecting me, even if he goes for a walk and then I go to meet up with him, he wont recognize its me until I get closer and talk.

Unless I am wearing shorts, then first he thinks "that chick has tattoos like brandi" then it clicks! 
on 8/11/11 2:45 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
Tee hee!!

My current husband of almost 17 years (been a couple for 19) still kinda does a double take if I walk up to him somewhere when he isn't really expecting me.

He says that I don't "feel"  the same.  He says I'm kinda like a stranger when it's dark and he can't see me.  There's less butt to grab and there's less in the way of the {ahem} more important parts.  He seems to think it's kinda HOT. 
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
on 8/11/11 3:56 am

Sounds like prosopagnosia, which is a real disorder where folks have trouble recognizing people's faces (even their nearest and dearest). Some people develop it due to a head injury/illness, but others have it from birth

Oliver Sacks has a fairly recent book out called "The Mind's Eye" that deals with that (along with many other visual neuro issues). He suffers from prosopagnosia himself.

Highest weight: 335 lbs, BMI 50.9
Pre-op weight: 319 lbs, BMI 48.5
Current range: 140-144, BMI 21.3 - 22

175+ lbs lost, maintaining since February 2012

(deactivated member)
on 8/11/11 4:04 am, edited 8/11/11 4:05 am - Newnan, GA
VSG on 05/04/09 with
Oh..head injury you say?  Coulda been that Texas Attitude Adjustment he got once (you know, frying pan?) :}


He is a most excellent voice recognizer, and even faces in movies, his recall is so much better than mine, but to be fair my face now and my face how it was the last, oh... tenish years, really are not the very much same at all.  Like a charicature drawing versus a real portrait, you know (for lack of a better description). And its my whole shape too. My whole shape isnt one he has seen me inhabiting.. well.. ever.  Truthfully too - its random and strange, but I am accustomed now to having to reintroduce myself to people.  You can see when they finally recognize you, but it still happens, even now.  No more running up to huge people's necks.  It almost got me punched out in the Lowe's parking lot!

That book sounds really cool!
(deactivated member)
on 8/11/11 2:43 am - MD
Haha that is too funny! Let him eat his "perverted weasel" heart out girlie!!! That is a GREAT feeling when people don't recognize you and have to take a double look but the ex that takes the cake or the protein shakes in our case lol!!!!
on 8/11/11 2:52 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
Yeah, he must've thought I looked younger too cause he likes 'em barely legal.  His current wife is 15 years younger than him and he calls her the "old hag".  When we first divorced and he was 35, he dated a girl that was 18 and a senior in high school.   He just lights up when one of our daughter's younger friends (18 - 25) comes around.  He's like a moth to a flame and it's so obvious that it's creepy.  He's 56, almost 57 (I'm 50) but he'll be like that til he's dead.  He even starts to turn on the charm to my 14 yo grand-daughter's friends.  Ewww! Like one of them would look twice at a scrawny, gray, balding, in-debt old perv like him. 
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Candy S.
on 8/11/11 2:50 am - Elgin, SC
That's funny!  I love it!  I really kinda can't wait to see my ex-husband since he asked me one time, when we were married, "why can't I be skinny like his other friend's wives?"  Jerk!  He can eat his heart out now that I'm a size 4-6 and smaller than most of his friend's wives now.  Ha ha!  Also, now that I've lost all of the weight, my current husband tells everyone that it's like going to bed with a different woman everynight!.  LOL!!
Height: 5'3" | HW: 262 | SW: 237 | CW: 130 | GW: 135

on 8/11/11 2:54 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
You go girl!

Yeah, my ex used to hold up Playboy centerfolds (he subscribed to all the tittie mags and still does) and say "Why can't you look like this?  You used to before we got married but you've let yourself go."  The last time he said that, I was 24 years old and had just had my third baby in less than 5 years.  Is everyone getting the picture of some of the reasons he is my EX husband?
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
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