Anyone sleeved 2+ years ago?

Linda S.
on 8/11/11 12:51 am - Canada
Just wondering how you are doing after 2 yrs. or more? I've been told it is harder to keep the weight off with VSG as opposed to RNY.
Thanks, Linda
1) Referral - June 26/10                           4) 2nd. meeting with same - Feb.2/11
2) Orientation - Dec.9/10
3) Met with S.W. Nurse, Diet. - Dec.14/10

(deactivated member)
on 8/11/11 1:04 am, edited 8/11/11 1:04 am
I'm not a vet.. yet. But, since the RNY malabsorption fades to nil after about two years and restriction is the only thing left (as in the VSG from the get-go) I'd imagine the rates are about the same if not better with the VSG as we aren't at risk for reactive hypoglycemia.. Others will chime in I'm sure.. Check this article out.. Patient-Fail-the-Procedure-or-Does-the/
on 8/12/11 5:40 am - Four Corners, NM

Oh my gawd...that infamous DS propaganda bull****!
aww would be so better for ME if  I chose a DS!  NOT!

(deactivated member)
on 8/12/11 6:06 am, edited 8/12/11 6:13 am
if you are referring to that link, it has absolutely nothing to do with promoting the DS. Yes, it is promoting surgeries that keep the pyloric valve intact.. hello, VSG? Most of it is explaining the reasons why the band sucks, and then explaining the downsides to the RNY and if anything promoting the VSG & DS, because we keep our pyloric valve.. where do you get DS propaganda from that?? Did you read the transcript or just see that it was posted by a DSer and dismiss it?

Edited for clarity & more comments..
on 8/12/11 6:23 am - Four Corners, NM
Put out by a DS surgeon! Pushes  Pylorus (gastric) AND (intestinal) malabsorption as best WLS! beginning paragraph and at the bottom

  1. My opinion is that pyloric preserving procedures such as the sleeve gastrectomy and especially the duodenal switch, and maybe future varations of these procedures will replace gastric bypass as standard.

Reeks of DS ....didn't it to you?
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/11 6:27 am
No. It reeks of being statistically scientifically correct. The DS does have the best stats, even over the VSG, did I choose it- no. If I had serious metabolic issues, or if i went into this at 500lbs, you bet your skinny ass I would have gotten the DS regardless of the more involved supplement regimen and labs..
on 8/12/11 6:44 am - Four Corners, NM

especially the DS ...replacing RNY as the GOLD STANDARD?

I would of loved that article if it said ESPECIALLY THE VSG replacing RNY as the GOLD STANDARD
That would of been STATISTICALLY CORRECT ,-)

btw..I don't have a skinny ass :-( 
My Jlo ass a tad deflated...but definately GRABBABLE  grrr!

(deactivated member)
on 8/12/11 6:46 am
Grab it & shake it!!
Ms Shell
on 8/11/11 1:04 am - Hawthorne, CA
 I am almost 4 years out and lost over 100lbs now I am battling a 20lb gain but I maintained my 100lbs lost for over 2 years and haven't really gone after this 20lb gain so in essence I'm maintaining my gain for 8 months now.

If you tak a look at the revision forum you will find it's riddled with weight regain and the majority are from RnY patients.

With the VSG you don't have a false opening at the bottom of your stomach (which is our pyloric valve and a stoma in RnY).  In addition the intestines that have been bypassed in RnY grown extra villi and START out the blue absorbing almost ALL the calories so for THIS reason I believe is why RnY is more like to regain.  Simply because if you are say eating a 1000 calorie diet and your bypass isn't abosorbing say 300 calories...that's cool because you are only absorbing 700 calories...what happens when that changes and all of a sudden you are back to absorbing 1000 calories again.

Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 8/11/11 1:05 am
I'm 26 months post-VSG, but I'm 7 months pregnant. I can tell you that the statistics out on VSG vs. RNY are neck and neck with long term weight loss results. I personally see more regain with RNY than VSG. The malabsorption of RNY only lasts 2 years, and then all you have to aid in weight loss is a stretchy pouch. With VSG, there is no malabsorption to deal with, and it's constant/permanent restriction. I maintained my loss very easily for a solid year until pregnancy weight gain started creeping in.

You can check out the revision forum on here to see how many RNY patients are looking to revise to DS, ERNY, or have their pouch/stoma revised due to weight regain and/or complications.

Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

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