For Millersdaughter Roller skating and body armor!

on 8/4/11 12:58 am - Houston, TX
So I was so impressed by reading one of millersdaughters post about her couch to 5 k experiences that I had commented to her I wanted to try zumba and get involved in other types of exercise but I was to shy and embarrassed to do so. She replied just go for it who cares what the skinny people think maybe some of them were once like we are now! I finally decided she was right and set forth to start working out more and trying new things. So this post is meant to be like hers hopefully its as funny. I know its long sorry.

I had already been going to the gym 3 days a week and sweating like a ho in church in front of everyone and I decided I just don't care what they think. Soooo I thought what kind of trouble can I possibly get into next.....

A friend of mine had been posting pictures of herself on facebook in roller skates and padding and a helmet and all kinds of gear which was like full body armor and posting about how she had been going to roller derby boot camp! I thought wow that sounds pretty cool and at the same time insane. I asked her how it was going and she explained how happy she was and how much weight she had been loosing. I was impressed shes a few years older then me and about my size before she began losing weight and I thought wow if my friend can do this maybe I can too!
I expressed this interest to my husband who down right laughed at me until he realized I was serious and said wait a minute aren't you the same girl who broke her teeth out at the roller rink? I said yes but I was like 8 and a big kid had pushed me down. He said didn't that happen to you 2 times. Ok fine so yes I had broken my front 2 teeth out at the same roller rink twice but both times it was through no fault of my own. So I said never mind maybe this idea is to dangerous for the likes of myself the most uncoordinated person I know! I put the idea out of my head and let it go. Even though I had always loved skating and went back even after I had broken my teeth out doing it. I had always enjoyed going.

The idea of going skating again had been rattling around my head for some days when my friend contacted me again and said hey come with me to boot camp. I told her I was chicken and about busting my teeth out repeatedly and that I would probably embarrass her in front of her cool roller derby friends and said maybe after I practice a bit first.

I was talking with my sister and told her my insane thoughts and she started laughing and then when she realized I too was not laughing she said NO Audrey are you crazy your gonna break your face again. Being a little put off by this I changed the subject. Later when we met up with my mom she proceeded to tell my mom about my interest. I have to say I was happy she at least hadn't laughed. My mom went pale and said OHHH NO GRACE please don't go busting your face again! (mom my name is not Grace).  I have to give her some credit though she was there at my 8th birthday on roller skates when I came up to her bleeding from my face holding parts of my two front teeth until she passed out at which point I was holding teeth and my mom. I assured her that I was only considering it and I wasn't gonna run off and join the roller derby girls tomorrow! She said well if you do just remember god gave you a padded a$$ for a reason so stop falling on your face and start falling on in it instead. Thanks mom.

So maybe this is a bad idea I told myself....I mean I really value my teeth and face and I truly am not that graceful.....

Flash forward to this week.... I am about to celebrate my 3 month surgiversary and I'm down to 188lbs and I bought new clothes and I'm feeling pretty good about myself so my husband says its been a long time since you had Mexican food and margaritas how about I take you out and you have a small treat. I thought maybe just a little celebration Ill order healthy food and maybe Ill think about a alcoholic beverage. I ate some great fajitas and even cheated with a little queso and chips I waited 30 mins and had the first margarita I have had in like 4 months and it was so good! Talk about liquid courage!!! I thought wow lets go out and have fun and do stuff.... but what .....hmmmmmmm......... I know I want to go skating!!!!!!!

I'm sure those of you who are still reading at this point are shaking your heads going really is she that crazy, or thinking omg shes gonna break her teeth out..... well shame on you I didn't break my teeth out. Yes I know its probably not a great idea to go have a drink and do anything serious you know operate heavy machinery, drive a car.... but skating I mean how bad could it be right! 

So after much debate my husband he finally gave in and took me skating at the roller rink. Thankfully there weren't that many people there and the majority of skaters were under the age of 12. I thought cool no one who is gonna care how dumb I look doing this! I was talking my head off to my husband about how good a skater I used to be and how much time I had spent at this roller rink ( even though I had broken my teeth out there twice) So with my liquid courage pumping I strapped myself into those cheap rental skates and stood up only to find that my balance was not exactly what it use to be. I looked like one of those people who you see on America's funniest videos who go flying or falling off something and flap their arms like thats gonna stop them from falling like a ton of bricks towards the earth. Luckily I didn't hit the ground I just looked a little stupid. So that should have been enough for me to go ok maybe I should start slow...... but nooooo.....

I thought ok I'm probably gonna fall at least once just remember what mom said fall on your butt!!! I also told myself if you fall try not to scream and cry like a big baby in front of everyone just play it off act like it didn't hurt. My husband also strapped into some skates and wobbled out to the rink and he took of making it look not so bad. Don't get me wrong he looked just as unsteady as I did but he was doing pretty good so I followed. I forgot how different it is to go from a carpeted floor to slick wooden roller rink floor and did another baby bird impression right out of the gate. Holding tightly to the brick wall that surrounded the skate floor I worked on getting my balance before I could shove off. The wall was the only reason I didn't hit the floor right away. So finally I courageously pushed off the wall and started to skate.

I immediately remembered why I loved doing this so much it was invigorating, exciting, and just plain awesome. The feel of the breeze hitting you as you got a little speed the music pumping the feeling of weightlessness as you rolled. It was pretty cool and then I came to the turn and thought ok how do you do this ill just go really slow around the corner...... YES I made it around a corner TRIUMPH!!! Maybe I can go a little faster.... Thats when I immediately remembered why it was so painful to fall skating. It happened trying to push off to go a little faster my left foot and right foot had totally different plans in mind as far as direction goes and lefty went back behind me while righty kept going forward. Needless to say I fell. I didn't break anything and I didn't kill myself or mash my teeth or face but my bad knee the right one was the one that made contact with the ground first as I halfway did the splits.

You know when you do something stupid and you quickly look around to make sure no one just witnessed that. Well I did glance around to see where the hubby had gotten off to and he was out in front of me looking like he was using all his concentration not to fall down so I felt safe he wouldn't see me sprawled out on the floor. I scrambled to try and get up which meant I had to get on my poor hurt knee to get off the floor. Just then 2 little girls about 8 years old rolled past me and said need help half way sincerely and giggling and kept rolling. Who could blame them that wipe out was probably pretty impressive and it wasn't as if they could actually help me off the ground without me taking all of us out. So I just laughed it off and got up and kept on going. Of course my ego was a little bruised not to mention my knee but I decided I couldn't tell Bobby so I just kept going. It got better....

The only real difficulty I had was that those kids that I thought of as a benefit when I got there you know the little ones were like moving obstacles on a course where I already didn't have great balance. I could only imagine plowing down a 5 year old and having to explain to their parents who would be my age or so why I trampled their child and what a big girl my age with no kids was doing on skates. Thankfully I never hit anyone or anything besides the brick wall around the rink.

I skated around for a while and what do you know just like they say its like riding a bike I found my groove and did a pretty good job of it , I made more corners and actually remembered how to speed up slow down and even go pretty fast. In about an hour I had gone from wipe out to wanting to do this again maybe and even considering boot camp. I told my husband and he said wow you actually look pretty good out there. We sat down and were joking about skating backwards and racing and silly things that we did back in the day and I thought maybe I could try to skate backwards I mean why not I got the frontwards stuff down pretty good now.

I have to say in my defense I was doing pretty good up to this point. Yeah so I wiped out again and this time I did it in front of my oooooo so supportive husband who waited till after I said I'm ok to start laughing hysterically. The only problem was I landed on that knee again which meant my rollerskating for the day was over! Overall though I'm really happy I did it. I actually did pretty good and after about an hour of skating I was pretty impressed with myself for not giving up after I fell the first time.
This morning I woke up and every muscle I own is screaming this was a far better workout then the elliptical for 30 minutes and then weights for 30 minutes. I even had to limp around the house for a little while when I got going. I'm totally gonna count yesterdays trip as a workout day this week and I may not be able to work out again for a little while too. Oh yeah and my knee is pretty purple but its not to bad and I'm kindda proud of it. Like my battle scar or something. It makes me realize that I can do anything I put my mind to and forget those people who say, think, or feel differently about it..... So I think I may try again but next time I go it will be with full body armor and maybe a mouth guard!!!
on 8/4/11 2:21 am
I totally enjoyed your story!!!!  You go girl!!!!  YOU can do anything you set your mind to!!!!  You are AWESOME!!!!!!

on 8/4/11 2:40 am - Lewisport, KY
VSG on 04/07/11 with
You go GUURRRRLL!!!  I always wanted to grow up and be in the roller derby!  Those chicks rock!

Loved the "baby bird immitation".  I can just see it {snort, giggle}.  I am also one of those people blessed with the grace of a baby penguin.  I trip over the lines painted on the gym floor if I'm not careful.

I too love to skate but my grandchildren all hang out at the skating rink and have threatened me with being shunned if I go.  They would be mortified to see thier 50 yr old MaiMai on skates.  The shame of it all!!  I would probably come out of it looking like Wyle E. Coyote after one of his more violent run ins with the Roadrunner.  I can just imagine my husband's reaction if I told him I was going skating.  He'd look at me, take a deep breath thru his nose, let it out, and then shake his head.

Just get that mouth guard, some elbow/knee pads and go for it!  The old timers always say to find an exercise that you enjoy to maintain your weight loss.  Sounds like you have!
     Never, never, never give up!
...though she be but little, she is FIERCE...
A Midsummer Night's Dream
on 8/4/11 8:18 am - Houston, TX
Haha you should totally go anyway!!! How's the couch to 5 K going????
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