Home after 6 nights in the hospital!!!

on 7/31/11 12:36 pm - Silver City, NM
I had my sleeve done July 25th, and due to some complications I was just released today. I came out of surgery great, and couldn't try liquids till Tuesday. Tuesday morning I tried my first sip of water, and threw it up. This went on and on all week. My surgeons kept telling me it would get easier and just to keep pushing the water in. I kept asking if this is normal, and they said because of my anatomy the had to make my sleeve tighter than normal and that is was just very swollen. I could feel any liquid I took in start to settle in my esophagus, and had such horrible pain, the only way that pain was lessened was when I threw up. Finally Saturday, yesterday, they decided it was time for an upper GI tracking, where you drink some liquid and they watch how it goes through you with a X-ray machine. Well the x-ray showed my stomach was completely blocked. So after they found that out my surgeon, and a GI surgeon was called in to do an emergency scope to take a better look. They said this has never happened to one of their patients before and it is really uncommon. I was on the table in the OR when my surgeon came into the room, and I just got the happy sleepy mess in my IV, I told him sorry for making him come in, and was just like no sweetie, I'm sorry we are here to get you fixed up. I was starting to get so angry staying in the hospital when all they were doing was giving me zofran and pain meeds, oh and multiple IVs cause my veins suck. Friday I was getting so dizzy, and they tested my blood sugar. Then they started to panic, and had to rush yet another IV in me, to start giving me sugars and potassium.

All I can say is that I am so happy to be homei wish I could have been so much more stern with them, that there was something wrong with me. I know my body and knew something was wrong, they are so intimidating when all 5 doctors come in who know my case and they think I was just overreacting. It was such a tough week. But now after this ordeal I'm ready to start losing.

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Ms. Poker Face
on 7/31/11 12:43 pm
So sorry you went through this!!  But really glad you are home and resting now!

Thanks for sharing your story here.  We need to hear the good, bad & ugly!!

Sip, walk, rest, repeat!  I hope the rest of your recovery goes well and you feel better very soon.


5'5"    Goal reached, but fighting regain.  Back to Basics.
Start Weight 246    Goal Weight 160    Current Weight 183

Starting size: 22, 2x
Current size: 12, L


on 7/31/11 12:56 pm - Silver City, NM
Thanks, I also forgot to say the recovery from the surgery was so easy for me. I was walking alot through the hospital halls, I was taking my naps, trying to sip. LOL I was only on pain meds for 2 days because I didn't need them. They didnt stop my esophagus from hurting, so I had no need from them. Now all that I really feel from my lap sites area little stretching when I walk or try to lay on my side. Soon no pain whatsoever anymore.
on 7/31/11 12:53 pm
I was banded the same day and not released until friday night and that was after threatening to sign out AMA. I started throwing up blood clots from the miute I woke up. They did the GI tuesday totally swollen so I had to go till friday with nothing but nausea no pain meds those make you more nausea till the vomitimg stopped then Friday another Upper GI wich I passed feeling so much better since I am home. Hope the same for you.
on 7/31/11 12:56 pm
Well....I has my VSG on 4/26/11 and just came home from the hostpital about two weeks ago. I had major complications (basically there was a hole between my esophogus and new stomach) - everything I drank post op went straight into my gut and went septic/poisonous.

After 2 months in the ICU, 3 weeks in a rgular room and COUNTLESS other procedures I finally sprung the joint. It was great to be home! So I can relate to your frustration of being stuck in the hospital with a bunch of 'expert' surgeons not knowing why you are so sic****il its almost too late.

Glad your home safe and sound -
And hey! I have lost close to 100lbs since my surgery - hate to see my insurance bill though

VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 7/31/11 1:10 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Oh my goodness, thank God you are doing better now. Did the surgery cause the hole or did you have it prior to surgery? How did that happen? Only if you don't mind sharing.
on 7/31/11 1:24 pm
Hi Tonya,
I am sure it was not there before the surgery.
I believe that the surgeon probably nicked it with the sonic scalpel or the staple gun, as the last part they fire the staple is the very hard to see part of the stomach right by the esophogus.
The leak definitely occured during the operation.

I could write an essay on my time in the hospital, but suffice it to say it was not pleasant. I am still trying to get my 'land legs' back. That long on your back with just a few walks takes ALL the strength out of your legs. I was just one of the unlucky ones who had the "fine print" complications - I'm still happy to have the sleeve, and luckly my job too (gotta love the FMLA Act)...


VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 7/31/11 12:57 pm - Elmore, OH
Oh my goodness what a sad outcome, but from here on it will become more positive. It is scary to read these being I will be sleeved on 10/12, but at least I know what can happen. Thanks for sharing, hugs~ feel better!!!
on 7/31/11 3:57 pm - TX
Oh, my!!  These are not comforting stories to read just a few hours out from surgery, but a good lesson to be learned:  speak up, and speak LOUDLY until someone listens if I need to!  I'm glad you guys are home and doing better! 
on 7/31/11 4:11 pm - CA
Wow so sorry you had to go through that. Luckily they found it. Here is to a much easier losing experience.
  1Mo(July 17, 2011) 265.1 (-28.7) Whoo hooo2Mo (Aug 17, 2011) 258.7 (-6.4) 3mo-253.5(-5.2) Finally broke a 5 week stall
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