So, how did you tell people or didn't tell people?

on 7/31/11 7:04 am - MI
I kept it a secret. The only reason people found out so quickly is b/c I had to have emergency surgery, and my fiance and mom had to make arrangements and be at the hospital at my midnight surgery. But you know what? I came clean with having it, and the support is amazing. I was very nervous and glad that I didnt tell anyone before surgery, it was a private thing that I myself had to come to terms with. It isnt' giving up having this surgery, its a special tool to make things easier after all these years of failing :) Good luck!
on 7/31/11 7:05 am
Thanks, everyone.  I think I am more concerned about the timing and people talking about that rather than the surgery.

I have had the summer off but have been getting over an injury so my VSG had to wait a couple extra weeks.  As a result, I am going to miss the start of my work (and in a new place no less) losing a lot of weight (hopefully) and quickly (hopefully).  I guess I think they will say this was something I could have done on my time not on work time.  I liken it to be off on maternity leave - not much choice when you are off work then either!
on 7/31/11 7:35 am
Some people just tell everything. I'm not one of those people, especially at work. It's your medical business- can't get much more personal than that. So I say that if you are not sure, then don't. Tell those you want to tell. Let your instincts guide you.

There have been people on this forum who have told co-workers who went on to harrass them at their job. Also, once you tell someone, they own their reaction- not you. You can't control how they react.

There are always people getting upset because someone said something unsupportive or accused them of taking the easy way out. I've never had anything like that because I told the right people and very few people. Those harrassers and jerks are wrong, but you can't control their intial reaction.  I'm a firm believer that you teach people how to treat you; so how you respond in those cir****tances is absolutely critical.  Those that just take it and cry later will endure more harrassment from that same person.

You may decide 6 months later that you want the whole world to know. Your surgery, your timing, your decision.

Eventually more of my friends may find out. 

Losing weight is not a shocker. It happens. However, inevitably someone will ask how you did it. Many people just tell what they want to tell- like I eat 3-4 small low-carb meals throughout the day and exercise daily.

Because I am a private person, I just don't think that everyone is worthy of my time, attention, or information.

Bottom line: you have the power. 
Pre-liquid diet 392; VSG'd on 6/10/11; 5'9"; SW 368/ GW 195?
Pounds lost: mth1=26.7; mth 2=21.2; mth 3=24.8; mth 4=13.8; mth 5=14.2;  
            mth 6=11.8; mth 7=9.2; mth 8&9= 17.2    
on 7/31/11 8:00 am
BTW, being private is not the same as being ashamed. I'm not ashamed. I'm not defined by the judgement of others.  Again, some friends will probably find out later. My relationship with them will be fine. If not, then it never was. 

I will never tell those people at my job. I didn't go to work and say "Whoo, my period and cramps are so much better now that I had uterine fibroid embollization! Let's sit around and talk about that. I have some information for ya'."
Pre-liquid diet 392; VSG'd on 6/10/11; 5'9"; SW 368/ GW 195?
Pounds lost: mth1=26.7; mth 2=21.2; mth 3=24.8; mth 4=13.8; mth 5=14.2;  
            mth 6=11.8; mth 7=9.2; mth 8&9= 17.2    
on 7/31/11 8:14 am - Silver Spring, MD
People on my job knew about my gallbladder issues. The lady next to me knew I was doing low- carb the months prior to surgery. Right now my losses are not like many-I'm averaging 2 pounds a week if I am lucky.

I don't consider any of my co- workers worthy of my private medical issues. So when they ask they get a thanks for noticing and nothing more. I am open with my best friends and my husbands family do not know because they gossip and lie like thieves.
VSG 6/10/2011  Dr. Ann Lidor BMore MD 5'5 HW-247 SW-233 GW-145 CW-120   Me rambling about my journey : )

on 7/31/11 8:19 am - MD
I told every who loves me about my plans for surgery - I wanted and valued their input.  Without my family, friends, neighbors, golf buddies - everyone - I never could have achieved what I have so far.  My army of supporters encourage and inspire me and share my victories as I travel down this road.  I can't imagine having to "keep a secret" about surgery - the program is difficult enough without having that extra burden.  I use every conversation about WLS as an opportunity to "teach" folks the truth. 
I'm 65, I've lost 158 lbs. in  8+ mos. and I urge anyone having surgery to share their story with those who love them.  Remember, you're doing this to improve your life.  Good luck.
Pop-Pop (pix on profile)
on 7/31/11 8:36 am
on 7/31/11 1:59 pm

I have agonized about this issue for a variety of reasons.  I even did therapy about it!  What I've come to is that my partner knows.  No one else except my grown-up kids before the surgery because I have friends that will have opinions that I don't want to hear.  Even if they're good.  It feels like pressure either way.  Afterwards, I don't know.  I have gained and lost a lot of weight the "old fashioned way" and no one will be surprised to see me going down the scale again.  I'm just not going to worry about it yet.  I am going to tell co-workers as little as possible about the surgery beforehand - hiatal hernia? female issues?  I feel confident I will sort out what to do after the fact, when people won't try to talk me out of anything that's already happened.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

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