So, how did you tell people or didn't tell people?

on 7/31/11 5:13 am
VSG on 04/12/11 with
 I chose to only tell my family and my dearest friend.  It's not that I'm ashamed of having the surgery, I'm just a private person and don't feel it's the entire world's business.

I'm about 3.5 months out and It's just been in the past few weeks that I've been getting a lot of attention around my weight loss.  I'm a tall person who carried my weight fairly well so for the first 40 lbs, people would tell me I looked nice and compliment me but I knew they couldn't exactly put their finger on what was different.  

After I'd lost 60 lbs,  Istarted getting the "have you lost weight?" questions, to which I replied Yup!  I've been working out and dieting.  Which is the truth.  

I've been losing weight at a regular pace so it doesn't feel or look dramatic.  Therefore I haven't been getting intrusive questions.

It's the BEST thing I've ever done for myself and I couldn't be happier. 

I'm 5'10"  -   HW 264 lbs  -  lost 9lbs pre-op diet -  SW 255 lbs  
on 7/31/11 5:16 am
hi i am 3 and half weeks post op now i am still off wor****ill the middle of august my gp said take it easy and rest for the summer so i am i have told my boss that i have had my hiatus hernia repaired which is true i havent said anything about weight loss surgury with my new sleeve i have lost around 11lb post op so you cant tell yet 22lb from pre op diet and i am always dieting at work so in my office they will see the results of my hard work later i will tell them nothing only my family and one more person knows the truth and have not said any thing negative xxxxxxx
on 7/31/11 5:24 am - OH
Before surgery I told only two friends.  Since surgery I told my mother and my sister.

I have always been a very private person and this was the best decision for me.  At work I have casually mentioned that I'm watching what I eat and doing some protein drinks (all true).  I am very glad that I didn't tell more people, because I don't want to discuss it with others.

Now when people ask if I have lost weight, I simply say yes, I've been trying then I quickly change the subject.

VSG on 05/03/2011, SW 255, CW 140, 5'6" female
Body by Sauceda on 11/30/2012, LBL, BL/BA, long thighs, arms, neck

on 7/31/11 5:25 am - Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis

I told my co-workers, some family, and some close friends..Not all of my "acquaintences" know...Its my business and I will tell who I feel like telling. But it isnt some big secret either. And I have no problem telling strangers or other people, because if I can help anyone else by showing them I had surgery and I am ok then it is worth sharing!

Its a very personal choice..

When people who comment on my weightloss dont know about the surgery I just tell them I made a lifestyle change..A big one!

                       HW: 258lbs  SW: 240   CW: 140  I am 5 foot 7 and 30 years old               
                 VSG 12/21/10  Plastics: Tummy tuck, breast lift, and augmentation 11/3/11
                                             Soon to be veterinarian!! xoxo

(deactivated member)
on 7/31/11 5:26 am
Here's my standard reply.. however- with strangers/co-workers etc, I likely will not disclose unless A. They directly ask and I think they are truly open and could use the help, or B. they make some asinine comment about "oh good, so & so did it the "old fashioned way".. then I think I'd have to open my mouth as I'm not too shy about stopping prejudices of any sort in their tracks, or at least alerting others I don't abide by that crap too much! In my mind, the VSG is nothing but a leg up on beating the odds to stay within a healthy weight range.. it ain't a magic wand like so many non-ops think! I also agree, I don't much care if someone talks behind my back.. I'm sure they did it in spades when I was pushing 300lbs.. Honey badger don't give a sh*t.

It is a totally personal decision to tell or not to..It is your call, and everyone is different in that regard. There is no right or wrong answer to this question.. only your own comfort level, and the maturity level of those close to you should determine how you proceed.

In the end, I told all my friends beforehand. I was originally thinking I wouldn't until they asked.. then I thought about the cir****tances under which I may be asked.. at a house party?? Not the best time to break somewhat heavy news! So I decided to visit each set of friends separately so I could talk with them one on one. Much to my surprise, all were very supportive and several thanked me for being upfront and not keeping it a secret! It meant something that I trusted them with this information.. that not only made their reactions more positive, but gave me a strong sense of support. I do not work currently, so only friends got this news. I was afraid of negative reactions from a few.. and got none! Guess that show me not to assume the worst!  

on 7/31/11 5:31 am
"Honey badger don't give a sh*t."


VSG on 6/22/11
on 7/31/11 8:00 am
"Honey Badger don't give a ****" - that is funny.
Honey Badgers are the rudest, nastiest and ferocious animals in Africa. I watched a special on them and they will attack lions, Cape Buffolo - anything. They are also infamous for going straight for "the family jewels" during an attack....Terrifying!
Honey Badgers don't play!
VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 7/31/11 6:00 am - Alvaton, KY
They are going to figure it out, when you rapidly drop in weight.  And if you don't tell the truth, you WILL harm relationships, and get a reputation as a liar.

Myself, well I stood up in my church (a VERY large congregation) and announced that i was having this surgery and asked for prayers.  I also stood up in my Fraternal Organization, and did exactly the same thing.  I was open about this surgery from the beginning, and i never made the slightest effort to hide it.

I WANTED everyone to know.  That way, I had no excuse, no way to fall back and not lose the weight.  I wanted to make darn sure that I would not be able to hide anything.

If anyone objected, they never mentioned it to me.  I got a ton of support, and because I was so open, several other obese people chose to have weight loss surgery (and all but one chose the sleeve).

I really can not understand this whole "lets keep it a secret" stuff.  hate to telll you, but no normal diet will result in the kind of weight loss you will be experiencing.  They are going to have all kinds of rumors going (she has cancer (or aids or something similar), she has a severe psychological thing; she bulimic or anorexic, and so on).

It's so much better to just get it out in the open, and deal with it.  Are you ashamed that you are doing something really good for YOU?  That YOU are choosing to take control of your health for a change?   That you simply will not allow yourself to be so fat anymore"?

It's up to you, but I have never yet seen anyone that was completely open about it that regretted making that choice.

A former Army Medic (1959-1969), Registered Nurse (1969-2000), College Instructor (1984-1989) and a retired Rehabilitation Counselor.  I am also a dual citizen of the USA and Canada.

High Weight 412 lbs.                    Date of Surgery 360.5                                 Present  170 lbs   

on 7/31/11 6:11 am - Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis
I see your point, I have told almost everyone in my life (but not everyone), but I also think its a really personal decision on whether or not you share your own private medical history.

When I get a pap smear, if I had high blood pressure, or anything of the sort I don't necessarily think its everyone's business. I dont post my bloodwork results for others to see. If I had a screen for STD's it wouldnt go on facebook. It is one's own medical issue and that does not make it a public issue..

I think most people will figure it out, this is true. And if they pointedly ask you, "did you have bariatric surgery" you should be honest in my opinion..

But this is YOUR journey and you should do what is best for you. Most people will not understand, will not agree, and will not be positive about the surgery. But as long as you know your reasons and have researched it drown it out and you will be ok.

Most of us have had friends and family try and talk us out of it because they are afraid and only know myths. Know the facts for yourself but dont plan on everyone agreeing.

                       HW: 258lbs  SW: 240   CW: 140  I am 5 foot 7 and 30 years old               
                 VSG 12/21/10  Plastics: Tummy tuck, breast lift, and augmentation 11/3/11
                                             Soon to be veterinarian!! xoxo

on 7/31/11 6:12 am - LA
The only person I haven't told is my ex.  The next time he pokes his butt  around I want he to see my happy and healthy.....and thinner.  I am an open and honest person to a fault.  I started dating a new guy recently and before I could let him leave for a month on work I had to tell him.  I hate secrets...
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